The Obscene Truth
By Babydicklover.

He stared at her, confused about why someone like her was talking to him. She was undoubtedly nervous with sweaty palms, but she drew a smile for him. He smiled back and stated, “I don’t know why you are talking to me, but don’t waste your breath.”
Jared walked away from the disappointed girl. It was just an ordinary encounter with the star football player, Jared. He is reasonably thin and muscular, with deep brown hair. He is either respected and praised or hated for how he treats others.
Jared was talking to a few of his teammates in the quad. “I just think rugby players are idiots. I have no respect for those pampered, preppy, rich kids. They are a walking baby wearing diapers—that’s all.”
One of his teammates, Derrick, said, “Haha, okay, bro. We get it; you don’t like rugby players.”
“And you know they are pumping their bodies with steroids. There’s a reason rugby players have those pathetic tiny cocks down there,” Jared continued.
The group forcefully chuckled, followed by an awkward pause. After a few more minutes of meat-head banter, the group dispersed. Ryan from the rugby team approached Jared.
“Hey, dude. How’s it going?” Ryan asked.
Jared looked offended and asked, “What do you want, Ryan?”
“We are having a small party at our place to celebrate the end of the season. Do you wanna come?”
He laughed and said, “I’d more likely floss my teeth that night.” He brushed past Ryan, acting like he was beneath him.
“Well, I’ll just have to tell Christine you won’t be there.”
Jared turned around and asked, “Christine Rodriguez.”
Ryan nodded and said, “Yes, she’ll be there.”
Jared condescendingly smirked and said, “I guess I can reconsider.”
“Good, I’ll text you the details tonight.”
Jared ran back to his apartment and waited for the details. The party was going to be on Sunday at Ryan’s place. Ryan was the typical rich boy with a giant mansion. Jared had seen numerous photos of the place on social media, and he could never admit he was jealous of what Ryan had.
He always wanted to date Christine, but she never seemed interested. The attractive model-looking woman was a challenge compared to the girls on campus who threw themselves at him. Sunday may be the night she finally reciprocates. Jared was thankful it was going to be on Sunday. Every Saturday, he drives two hours into the mountains to visit the nudist resort.
Most nudists come together for the sake of being nude. Jared only came because he secretly enjoyed exposing himself at the right place. He never exposed himself in the locker room or anywhere else. The nudist resort was the only place he would because of a particular secret he passionately masked from the world.
His first time was five months ago, and it was the first time he’d ever exposed himself. It took him a few hours to muster up the courage and show his naked body, but everyone was supportive of him. The club is small and populated with an older crowd, so he didn’t need to worry about anyone finding out back at school or his family.
There are days when almost nobody is at the resort, so he takes the opportunity to entertain himself inappropriately. Many men at the resort were physically similar to him, and he felt empowered to be around people he could understand. Even with the similarities, Jared was still the most unique out of the group. This embarrassed Jared, but no one acted like it was a big deal because it really wasn’t.
They weren’t ashamed, which is something Jared didn’t understand. Being around these men helped, but Jared was incredibly ashamed of his body in the real world. He prayed it could be different, but this was how he was born. He couldn’t change it, but being a nudist allowed him to expose himself and be a pervert without anyone questioning why he was naked in the first place.
The next day, he was finally ready to go to this party. It would be exciting, and Christine was going to be there. He arrived and walked through the mansion. This was the type of real estate only the wealthiest could afford. And it internally frustrated Jared. He saw a group of guys and girls hanging around the television playing Mario Kart.
“Hi, party people. What’s up?”
They all looked at him and then each other.
One of them said, “Oh, hey, Jared. It’s going well.”
They looked at his jeans and started snickering. The mini-group was weird and off-putting. He walked to the spacious backyard, which had white, pristine pillars like those from Greece, complex shrub art, and an Olympic-sized pool.
Jared looked around and couldn’t believe someone could live like this. This area had more partygoers than inside. He mostly knew everyone, even some from his football team were there. He wasn’t surprised as they were associated with the rugby players, and Jared thought that was a mistake. Jared was surprised by the size of the group. There were around 50-60 people there.
In the small crowd, Ryan made eye contact with Jared and swiftly approached him. “Hey, Jared. It’s good to see you here.”
Jared was surprised by his unexpected enthusiasm. “Hi, Ryan. Thanks for inviting me, I guess.”
“Now that you are here, we can get started.”
Jared looked at him with suspicion. Jared stood there wondering what that could have meant. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Patience, my football friend. Only time will tell.” Ryan walked away and grabbed a microphone. He acted strangely, and Jared was confused. “What’s up, party people?” Ryan announced. He looked at the eager crowd, followed by more people coming from the inside. “Now that our guest of honor has arrived, we can get started. Boys, you know what to do.”
He looked in the crowd and nodded as a cue. Jared stumbled as a group of beefy rugby guys grabbed him from behind.
“Hey, what the hell are you idiots doing?” Jared shouted. He genuinely tried everything to push them away from him, but he couldn’t handle their strength. He tried intimidating them, but they laughed and hauled him like a garbage bag. They effortlessly threw him against the pole. “Ow! What the hell? Stop this right now, you assholes.”
The crowd looked shocked, while some were in the middle of laughter. Jared couldn’t understand what was going on. The rugby men just laughed and ripped his lucky shirt away from his body. The crowd gasped at Jared’s smooth and muscular chest. They used his shirt to tie his hands behind his back. They ultimately restrained him and also tied his feet with rope.
“Ryan, what the fuck is happening? Get me down right now, you piece of shit,” Jared screamed.
Ryan shook his head with authority and announced, “Now, Jared, that language isn’t appropriate.”
“What would be better—a privileged asswipe.”
“Boys, shut this little boy up right now.”
His little gang of helpers came up to the jock. Jared couldn’t think straight, but he didn’t understand Ryan’s comment about being a ‘little boy.’ “Oh, you’ve got your little Oompa Loompas here to protect you, is that it?” Jared shouted.
They ripped a piece of duct tape and aggressively placed it over his mouth. All you could hear was loud, muffled screams from Jared.
Ryan said, “Ahhh, yes. There’s the lovely peace and quiet we never get from you. Anyways, now is the perfect time to start now that we have our special guest here. It was his birthday last week, and we wanted to celebrate it. We have a few items we want to share.”
Ryan pulled out a laser pointer and pointed at a projector and a giant theater-sized screen. The entire crowd looked at the screen.
“Jared hasn’t been sincere about himself. And we want to help him do that. According to his teammates, he never showers with them. Some boys may be shy, and we can’t blame them. But Jared’s little situation is a little teenie bit different.”
Jared looked right at the screen with dreadfulness. Where could this have been going? He was confident there was no way they had anything against him. As Ryan showed the first image, Jared was very wrong. It was an image of him completely naked at the nudist resort. Jared’s face turned completely red. He’s never been more embarrassed in his entire life.
Everyone saw everything laid out before them—nothing left to the imagination. Jared, indeed, had absolutely nothing to hide anymore. He’s never seen this picture before. Someone must have taken it from a far distance. Jared looked away as a few crowd members turned around at him.
Everyone just blankly stared at what they could barely comprehend. Jared eyed the room with an abrasive expression. The room continued in a suspiciously silent fashion, which made Jared feel even worse. He didn’t know what anyone was thinking. Nobody could even dare to cough. The entire room’s focus was on his poor, unfortunate exposure.
What lay between his legs was the antithesis of being a masculine man—something he dreamed about. This made him overcompensate. He tried his very hardest to uphold that manly phenomenon, and he would have been successful—had it not been for this revealing moment.
It was too late. There was no return. Jared would never recover from this. Everyone knew how this man palpably carried himself. Their eyes were wide with raw perplexity and abhorrently shocked. The gathering fixated on the epicenter of his naked body.
The truth was that Jared had an extraordinarily tiny penis. Everyone was soaking in the fact that his penis was so small. Between his skinny legs was a puny little acorn that harmoniously cuddled right inside his balls. It didn’t even produce any conceivable hang but poked out.
And the worst part was that his balls were incredibly small, too. His balls were incredibly small, like blueberries, but the worst part was that his teenie weenie boy cock was still smaller than a single testicle. Jared was just tiny in every conceivable way. Jared couldn’t look at the screen and just closed his eyes.
“I know it is quite shocking,” Ryan announced, “which I can understand from your silence. But if you look right here in particular.” Ryan circled Jared’s penis with the bright red light. “I need to call your attention to it because you might have missed it.”
Everyone started laughing from the top of their lungs. Their laughter echoed and grew with each tortured minute. Jared felt even more ashamed when they began pulling their phones out and recording this frightening moment.
“Let’s keep going. We can’t stop here.”
He proceeded to reveal more images of Jared’s nude body. They showed his tiny cock, little balls, his bubble butt, and so much more. The laughter grew organically with each photograph. Jared tried his best to avoid the looks he was getting from the crowd of young college students. Even his teammates were having the best time of their lives by mocking their star player.
The crowd erupted with some of the most hurtful comments:
“I’ve never seen one so small in my life.”
“Haha, no wonder he’s always so angry.”
“If I were that small, I would also be very frustrated.”
“I’m guessing he’s still a virgin with that useless nub.”
“I really dodged a bullet, didn’t I? And I wouldn’t want his minuscule bullet anywhere near me.”
“Good lord, he’s so pale. What a tiny little pee-pee.”
“As if that bullet can even shoot. Barely anything must come out of his little boy balls.”
“Oh my god. That’s what he gets for being so mean to me. Karma’s a bitch, babe.”
“I think it’s so cute—like a little tiny acorn.
“How does a grown man barely have anything between his legs?”
“Is he honestly even a man? It’s so small, he’s almost got a coochie down there.”
Ryan said, “Now, I can understand little Jared here being shy with a really tiny little cock better fitted for a little baby boy. There is nothing wrong with him being a nudist, either. But that’s not what is happening here with Jared. Looking now, you’ll see he’s anything but innocent.”
The following slide was a photo of Jared doing the unthinkable. Somehow, they had access to a picture of him pleasuring himself. He had no idea how they got it. The crowd grew even more wild, and some screamed at the thought of seeing their classmate play with his little cock using only two fingers. Jared was mortified at the thought of these people seeing him in such a vulnerable position and feeding his perverted desires. But maybe they would be impressed by his sexual prowess.
But the following comments were even worse than the first:
“What a fucking pig.”
“No one wants to see that. What the fuck is that?”
“He is so disgusting. He can’t control playing with himself like a gross pervert.”
“He has a boner, and it’s still so tiny!”
“It hardly grew at all. What a shame for good looks.”
The final display was of him laying back with his eyes closed with a chest covered in white cum.
Ryan said, “Before, we could have speculated how big or small Jared’s little grape could become. He could claim he was a ‘grower.’ But now, we know that isn’t the case at all. It looks like it barely increases to either a little over or under three inches. Either way, you can’t deny he has a very tiny little baby dick.
The audience laughed at his remark.
“Jared is just a little pervert who can’t help but expose his shortcomings. And since he was ready to whip it out at the nudist resort, let’s give him the chance here.”
The rugby guys came forward again and touched Jared’s chest. Jared screamed even louder, which caused the audience to laugh. They took his shoes and socks so his bare feet touched the ground. They then pulled down his shorts. Jared was in the worst situation he could ever imagine himself in. White flashes from countless cameras made Jared feel even more like under a microscope.
“What a nice and muscular body,” Ryan declared. “I can understand why he cares so much about having the strongest muscles. But he looks cute and scrawny compared to the rugby team. Frankly, we actually look like real men. Jared looks like a little boy, and I look like I could be his daddy. And as your daddy, I know your birthday was last week. We should celebrate what they call a birth week. And in celebration of that ordeal, you should be appropriately attired.”
They smirked at each other, and two men held each side of his underwear. Without wavering, they yanked his underwear to the ground, held by his ankles, showing his little, tiny dick to the entire party. Everyone pointed and began laughing again because, this time, they were seeing it. This wasn’t a plain photograph; this was real life. They saw how it gracefully bounced like a spring when his underwear came down. It sat down, presenting only a head, negating any shaft or man-like length.
Jared felt the frigid wind kiss the surface of his bare skin. The coolness dawned on him. He wanted to see whatever he saw. With horror in his eyes and dryness in his throat, he looked down. He couldn’t believe it. Everyone had a clear view of what he always tried to hide. Between the horrifying actualization and the freezing wind causing his body to shiver lightly, he had a tiny acorn-sized nub. It was literally less than a pathetic inch. It just sat down, presenting only a head, negating any shaft or length. His balls were small as well.
“Aww. It must be cold because I can barely see it from here,” someone said.
Jared’s face was red from embarrassment and anger. He couldn’t believe they could be so cruel. He tried to avoid eye contact with anyone but caught himself looking directly at many people. His eye contact with the crowd made him feel terrible because he knew what they were thinking. He could read their mind, and it was solely focused on how tiny his baby penis was.
Ryan laughed and said, “I know it may sound like we are being cruel, but Jared has always been a jerk. Raise your hands if you’ve been personally victimized by little Jared here.”
Everyone raised their hands, causing Jared to look away. Ryan approached him and pulled his head toward the crowd, forcing him to see their faces. They looked disappointed, hurt, and very entertained. Ryan took the opportunity to get close to him. He flicked his incredibly tiny dick with his index finger in stupefaction. The stunned look in his eyes showed he was genuinely curious about how Jared’s penis could be so small.
“Happy birthday to you, little guy. You don’t turn three years old every day, you know.”
Everyone giggled at this comment. But Jared’s face turned even redder at the thought that his little, tiny cock was being compared to a timid, small toddler.
“Now, I know you will throw a little temper tantrum like the little boy you are,” Ryan continued. “But I want to warn you ahead of time. If you decide to act out, you will be forced to stay here all night and tomorrow. Everyone will have access to use you how they want. Do you understand?”
Jared was utterly overpowered by the situation and just submissively nodded.
“That’s a good boy. Boys, you know what to do.”
They ripped the tape from Jared’s mouth, causing him to scream. They untied his hands and feet. They removed all his clothing, so he was completely naked like the day he was born. He didn’t have a shirt behind his back or undergarments at his ankles. The entire room continued looking down, and now Jared covered his little cock from everyone. The nonsensical antics of covering something so small caused more laughter.
“No, Jared. Uncover yourself right now,” Ryan ordered.
Jared begged Ryan by saying, “Please. I think I’ve learned my lesson.”
Ryan smirked at Jared’s pathetic attempt to escape the situation. He was trapped, and Ryan was going to take advantage of him. “Beg then,” he said.
“What? I am begging.”
“No, you need to beg like your life depends on it. Get on your knees and beg for mercy,” Ryan said.
Jared disappointedly got to his knees and begged. “Please, can I just go home now? I am truly sorry for always being a jerk.”
“That won’t do. Crawl to me.”
Jared hurriedly crawled to Ryan, hoping his submission would release him.
“I need you to uncover yourself and apologize for being a huge jerk,’ Ryan ordered. “But also for that pathetic, useless little peanut between your legs.”
Jared looked down and uncovered his little penis. The way he looked on the floor, no one could hardly see it. He looked like he didn’t have a penis altogether.
Ryan questionably looked down and laughed. “Actually, you don’t need to apologize for having a pathetic little weenie because it looks like you don’t even have one. No one is going to be offended by your little clit down there.”
Jared looked at him sadly and asked, “Are we done? I am so sorry.”
“We have plenty more where that came from. Boys, let’s take him to the chair.”
Ryan slowly walked and sat on a throne-like chair. They quickly grabbed him and threw him over Ryan. Following these events, the crowd wouldn’t quit recording and laughing at the all-star football player.
“You also deserve a little punishment,” Ryan said. “Tiny, like the size of your baby cock. Isn’t your pee-pee so adorably small?”
He shoved the mic in Jared’s face. “Yes, my little pee-pee is super tiny. Are you happy now?” Jared whined.
“Not quite. Tell the audience you aren’t a man and football isn’t a better sport than rugby.”
“I am not a real man. Football isn’t a man’s sport—rugby is.”
“That’s a good little boy,” Ryan smirked.
Ryan slowly touched Jared’s back, and his hand traveled down to his white bubble butt. He massaged each butt cheek and grabbed it like a woman’s ass.
“I won’t hurt you. This is for your own good,” he whispered to Jared. He started spanking him with his bare hand like he was a little boy. Jared shrieked in pain, causing the audience to snicker. “That’s right. That’s the scream I want to hear.”
The next few minutes were the best for the audience and the most painful for Jared. He’d never experienced something so terrible, and he couldn’t imagine anyone going through something worse than this. With everything going on, Jared didn’t have a moment to think about what was happening.
As Ryan spanked him harder than his father did when he was a little boy, everything that happened replayed in his head. He thought about the moment his underwear hit the ground, and everyone looked right between his legs. He felt his little cock starting to harden from the exposure. Ryan felt his little boner touch his leg and was disgusted.
Ryan grabbed Jared’s head and said, “What the fuck is wrong with you? You are such a perverted little dick loser, aren’t you?”
“I am not. This is just too much for me,” Jared whined.
“I need you to admit what’s happening with the mic. And call me daddy this time.”
“Please don’t make me admit I have a boner. This is going to ruin my life.”
Ryan shook his head and shoved the mic in his face again.
Jared sighed and said, “I am so sorry for being a pervert. The truth is that the exposure has turned me on. I can’t help it. I have a small boner right now. Daddy is punishing me like the bad little boy I am.”
Everyone started laughing even harder. The rugby guys pulled him off and held his arms, exposing his little boner to every single person. They made him very slowly walk through the crowd while everyone was enjoying watching his little hard-on bounce around. It stuck out like a little child-like thumb. There were so many people pointing their cameras right at his little, microscopic cock. Pinkies were out, and the classic small penis sign.
No one showed him any sympathy as he looked into their eyes. They just mocked him, touched his boner, or spanked his ass. The last thing they did was throw him in the pool. Everyone laughed as the once-admired Jared flew in the freezing water like a baby deer.
He knew precisely why they concluded with this. His boy parts would be microscopic and nonexistent once he climbed out of the pool. He thought he could now make his getaway, but he was a terrible swimmer. They were laughing and recording his attempt to swim to the pool ladder.
He finally reached it but needed both hands to climb the ladder. He knew he would regret this, but he didn’t have a choice. He left himself exposed. His nub was even more embarrassing this time. It was ultimately inside him and hiding from the world.
He tried running into the house, but the guys grabbed him and returned him to Ryan. This time, Ryan was naked, with a giant cock out to the world. “I thought it would be nice to show our audience what a real cock looks like compared to whatever that is between your legs,” Ryan said.
They stood side by side, and the head of Ryan’s cock dwarfed everything Jared had. People continued taking photos, especially as Ryan compared his cock to Jared’s.
“I wasn’t done with you yet. For getting aroused by my punishment, it will be even worse for you now.”
They aggressively grabbed Jared and threw him over Ryan. The rugby player used the microphone to spank him. It was even more painful than before. He cried from each swat. And it felt different because we were both naked.
“This is an amazing day for me,” Ryan declared. “Nobody likes you at all. And I get to be the one to take you down. You will never return from this. Everyone will always remember the moment they learned you aren’t truly a man down there. I can’t imagine how embarrassing this is for you.”
“Yes, this is the worst day of my life,” Jared groaned.
“You’ve always been so jealous of someone like me. You talk about how privileged we are, but you wish you had what I had. You have to work and struggle, but I get whatever I want. That’s why I’m such a nice guy, while you are a bitter pill to swallow. And it is a very tiny little capsule.”
Jared felt his penis thickening again. He was humiliated that this was happening again.
“I knew this would occur again. You can’t control yourself. I have someone who can get rid of that aching little baby boner for you.”
They took Jared off Ryan and placed him in the seat. Now, Christine came forward in a sexy bikini. She smiled at him and looked closely at his little boner. Ryan puts his clothes back on, disappointing the audience.
“A little birdie told me you had a crush on me. And it wasn’t your little tweety down there. Is this true?” Christine asked.
Jared looked her in the eyes and said, “Yes, I think you are beautiful.”
“Well, I’ve never liked you at all. You were always an asshole, and your little weenie gives me another reason to despise you. That shit is just pathetic. What do you expect to do with this pitiful little thing? It is so small and fucking unworkable.”
Jared looked down and was surprised when he felt something warm touch his nether regions. Christine was playing with his little boner in front of everyone.
“Good lord. This is so small. I’ve never played with a dick so tiny before,” she said.
She started jerking him with two fingers. The simple feeling of this woman’s touch caused him to moan and the audience to chortle. The fact that her pinky finger was almost the same size as his rocking hard cock was humiliating, to say the least, for Jared.
“You are such a sexy-looking man. Too bad all you have is this little, tiny ding-a-ling between your legs,” Christine teased. “All I need is two fingers to jerk this thing completely. You must be so embarrassed. I can’t imagine what everyone will think tomorrow when you have to go back to school. The whole school will be aware of what little you have down there. You’ll never get a girlfriend with this itty bitty little nubby. It’s honestly so cute, but damn, I wouldn’t be able to feel anything. Awwww. The size of your little baby cock is appropriate with that ego of yours.”
It didn’t take him long to feel his penis begin to pulsate and shoot loads of cum to the ground. Everyone exploded with laughter as they just watched Jared release his load.
Christine laughed and was disgusted at the same time.
Ryan said on the microphone, “Thank you for coming out tonight. Please make sure you take some souvenirs home with you.”
They were handing out huge posters of Ryan at the nude resort. His cock looked comically small on something printed so big.
“Maybe Jared can sign them on his way out,” Ryan said gleefully.
Jared was incredibly humiliated, but he signed every poster. All the girls wanted selfies, and it wasn’t very comfortable for him to know that all these photos would circulate on social media. The party ended, and Jared was forced to find his way back home naked.
The next day, Jared went to school and was laughed at by the entire student body. He saw a few posters hung around the school. The administration immediately took them down, but it was too late. Everyone had a clear image of how small his penis was. They were always going to know.
No matter where he was, someone was there to bring up the photos and videos. The nudist resort photos leaked around, too, and the group removed him for indecent exposure. No one took him seriously anymore, and the terrible experience humbled him.
After years of humiliation and constant reminders, he moved away and became kinder and more respectful. Even though he removed himself from his old crowd, the photos and videos would always haunt him. He would never escape the fate of having a little tiny penis.
The End.
*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.