Our Readers SPH Experiences 283

By Our Readers

Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.


This reader hooks up with a crush…

I remember from a young age realizing my dick was small. I was involved in sports, and so just being in the locker room and seeing the other guys, even soft, made me realize I was small. But I had an engaging personality, and so as a freshman in college, I began to sweet talk my way into hanging out with a girl who lived down the hallway in my dorm.

She was this beautiful Black woman. Big tits, a D cup or DD, at least on a petite frame with a nice ass. Nothing huge, nothing small, just proportioned right with the rest of her body. But her tits and the cleavage she would show off, man…

After a lot of work, I finally got her into bed with me. That first kiss and the scent of her skin was amazing. My little dick instantly stirred awake. We made out for a while, and she took her shirt off and hung her massive tits over my face, and just smashed them back and forth. I was in heaven.

She went lower to pull my pants down. I could hardly wait. I was going to fuck this beautiful queen. But when she lowered my pants, I’ll never forget the hesitation. She didn’t make fun of it or anything like that; she just looked at it, and just like that, things shifted. She came back up and said, “How about you eat me out?” and I did.

It was beautiful. But she never got off my face. She just kept riding it even as my tongue tired and my jaw hurt. I didn’t know what to do. At one point, as she ground on my face, she said, “Why don’t you stroke your little white dick while I fuck your face.”

And so I did. It was the closest I ever got to fucking her. For a few months, our relationship continued in this way. We never dated, but she would come over. We often put on porn. She would encourage me to jerk off, and if I was lucky, I ate her out and sucked on her tits while I did. Then, we just faded into other interests and people.

One night at the end of the year, we ran into each other drunk at a party. Nothing happened as we hung out and just caught up. She was drunk, and I had some courage, so I said, “Can I ask you something? Were you going to fuck me that first day we hooked up?”

She bit her lip and said yes. I asked her why she didn’t. She turned really embarrassed and explained she had a lot of sex before me. And in so many ways, I was not her physical type but she was attracted to my personality. And that when she pulled my pants down that day, she couldn’t believe my dick was lacking in both length and girth.

“Sorry…” she said.

I laughed and told her not to worry about it, I kind of suspected that was the case. She eased up a bit and said it really turned her on in ways she wasn’t expecting. She was used to being dominated by aggressive men because of her looks, and so she had some fun being the dominant one, forcing me to lick her pussy while she made me jerk off.

Ever since then, the fetish has remained with me. I love being humiliated by strong, confident women about my little dick.


Another reader learns the most important lesson of all…

I wanted to share a personal story that’s stuck with me for a few years. Back in uni, I had this close friend, who I’ll call Mike. We’re not as close anymore, which I’m honestly a bit bummed about since back then, we were practically inseparable, always hanging out and getting into weird random discussions about everything from Assassin’s Creed to existentialism. One night, we were chilling in our dorm room after a party at a campus residence. We had a few drinks, and I don’t remember how exactly, but the conversation drifted into porn preferences and penis size.

Some ways into that, Mike, being a jokester, started bragging a bit. I laughed it off, but in the back of my mind, I was curious. We kept joking until. Eventually, Mike suggested we just compare and settle the talk once and for all. The idea seemed ridiculous, but the alcohol and our friendship somehow made it feel like less of a big deal. So, in a mix of curiosity and a bit of peer pressure, I agreed.

We both stood up and pulled down our pants. There we were, two friends in his small, dimly lit dorm room, sizing each other up. Mike was definitely larger. His soft cock looked three times bigger than mine, and seeing that was a real eye-opener. The room felt strangely silent for a moment as I processed what I was seeing. I remember feeling a mix of emotions. There was the initial shock and a twinge of embarrassment. I’d always known I wasn’t particularly big (Hard: I’m a Bronze Member of the small dick club), but seeing the difference right there in front of me made it hit home in a way I hadn’t expected.

Mike, to his credit, didn’t make a big deal out of it. He just laughed and made some jokes to lighten the mood, but the comparison stuck with me. I pulled up my pants, and we moved on, but internally, I was wrestling with a lot of thoughts.

For the next few days, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I kept replaying that moment in my mind, wondering if my size would be an issue in my relationships (I wasn’t crazy experienced by that point) or if it made me somehow less. It was a tough thing to shake off.

Eventually, though, I started to come to terms with it. In part, I think it was because Mike treated it as no big deal, and comparing hadn’t affected our relationship in the slightest. I reflected that no one had ever complained about my size before – though some had been surprised by it, and my relationships until then had always been fulfilling. It wasn’t easy, but I began to shift my focus from my insecurities to my strengths.

Talking about it helped, too. I confided with a girl I was casually seeing at the time, sharing the whole awkward story. She was incredibly understanding and reassured me that my size didn’t matter to her. That conversation was a turning point for me, helping me regain my confidence.

Looking back, that experience with Mike taught me a lot about self-acceptance. It was a weird, vulnerable moment, but it pushed me to confront my insecurities and grow from them.

So, to anyone who’s ever felt the way I did, remember that your size doesn’t determine your worth. It can play a fun role, especially if you’re into size play (like I ended up becoming), but confidence, connection, and being a good partner matter so much more. We’re all unique, and that’s something to embrace.


Meanwhile, this reader learns loose lips sink ships…

So I work in a restaurant with plenty of gorgeous waitresses working, usually 3-5 on shift on any given day. We serve breakfast and lunch. So, the other day, we got an order for eggs, toast, and breakfast sausage. One of the hottest girls working came and asked how big the Wieners were. I said I don’t know, probably 3-4 inches.

She giggles and says, “I wasn’t talking about yours! I meant the breakfast sausage!”

So, without thinking, I blurted out, “It’s the same answer either way!”

So, of course, this news spread like wildfire through the staff, and now I get little smirks and giggles. Even the girl I have a bit of a crush on is giving me the small dick sign pinching her index and thumb. Me and my big mouth. Yikes!


While this female reader plays with a coworker…

There’s a senior guy in my office. He’s fit, smug, incredibly confident, the kind of guy that is rather intimidating to his peers. Peers that, once upon a time, included me.

That was until, after a couple of drinks one night, he admitted to having a small dick. A small dick, this took a moment to swallow, much like I now imagined any little load that his tiny man clit might dribble out would take. I was glad we had a weekend ahead of us so I could process this new information.

I have a preference for big dicks, I’m what some have called a size queen, and so I had mistakenly bestowed such a generous possession on this man on the occasions I had fantasized about him in the past. He and his massive cock had owned me in my fantasies, used me for his pleasure, leaving me marked and in no doubt of his virility. This new development left me bemused and amused.

Having had time to process this little revelation, I returned to work the following week, knowing there was only one way forward. Having a meeting off-site, I sent him a message that there was a package for him in my office.

Anticipating a document of some kind, what he found was a little yellow post-it note wrapped around my favorite red lipstick. Written were the words: ‘I bet my lipstick is bigger than your tiny dicklette. Take a photo to compare and send it to me. If I’m right, I think you need to wear the lipstick on your pretty little dick. Send photos of that, too. If I’m wrong, I don’t think we need to worry about that.’

The sounds of the notifications coming through my phone sometime later as I sat in my meeting left me eagerly anticipating its ending. I rushed out of the meeting and, upon opening his messages, was rewarded with images of his dainty little man clit, decorated in my fiery red lipstick. Rigid, shiny, and oh so small, I could almost feel his humiliation, but I knew it wouldn’t be complete until my return.

Walking back to the office, I made sure to walk by him, smirking at the space where a bulge would be on a real man, knowing that underneath his trousers was a lipstick-stained, humiliated little loser dicklette. I walked into my office, picked up the lipstick that he had dutifully placed back where he had found it, and reapplied it across my smiling lips so that every time he saw the scarlet flash, he would be reminded of his humiliation, his little dick secret, was now on the tip of my tongue.


This reader’s girl also plays with him…

I started dating a new girl recently, and she found out pretty quickly how small I was. We explored some SPH stuff but none of it was really hitting like I thought it would. Last weekend, she had the idea to put me in her panties and take a few pictures. I was all for it, and it was fun. Then, before we went out that night with her friends, she told me to make one of the pictures my Lock Screen. I didn’t think much of it because no one really sees my phone, but I was definitely wrong lol.

We were at a restaurant having dinner with two of her friends and their boyfriends when I got up to go to the bathroom. My phone was sitting in the booth when I came back. When I came back, it was on the table, and everyone was quiet, and things felt weird. It took maybe a minute for one of her friends to break the silence and basically admit that they all passed it around and had a good laugh.

I was mortified and so hard at the same time. We went to a club afterward, and the night ended with one of my friend’s boyfriends getting drunk and bragging about how he was three times bigger than me easily. He shared pics with me and my girl, and we went home and fucked her, talking about his big cock the whole time.


Another reader gets a late night phonecall…

There was this one time when I was a freshman in college. I was tired and went back to my apartment to take a nap. I settle down and fall asleep on the couch. Suddenly, I get a call with the caller ID unknown. I thought fuck it, and answered all tired.


“Is this Greg?”

“Yeah? Who is this”

I hear a bunch of girls laughing.

“Debbie told us how small your dick is! Is it true it’s smaller than her pinky finger? Hahahahahaha”

My heart started to race, and they hung up. I still don’t know who that was or if it was even true. To this day, that call haunts me but turns me on. There’s a group of girls out there who love making fun of how small I am. That blows my mind.


Meanwhile, this reader is in his first gangbang…

This is the story of my first gangbang. A group of friends and I all went out drinking one night and ended up back at someone’s house. It was two of my friends (John and Bryce), John’s wife Samantha, and me. I can’t for the life of me remember how it came up, but at some point, we are sitting in the living room, and I start making out with the wife.

To this point, none of my friends know about my two problems (my tiny dick and my being a prejac). Well, after making out for a few minutes, John randomly goes, “You two wanna fuck Samantha?”

Before I knew it, we were all in the bedroom. Samantha laid down on the bed and ripped her clothes off. The bedroom was dark, but I could make out bits and pieces of the others. Bryce and John had climbed on the bed, and Samantha was going to town. She was sucking their cocks. Taking turns. Stroking one and sucking the other, then switching.

I had stripped down and was looking for a condom, but Samantha got impatient. “What the fuck are you doing? Are you gonna fuck me or what?” she moaned, and I could see her legs moving around as she moaned.

“I can’t find a condom,” I said. I knew where Bryce kept them, but there were none there. “Just fuck me without one. Just pull out because I’m not on birth control,” she moaned.

I crawled between her legs and started fingering her, but there was no need. She was soaking wet. “Just put it in me already!” she complained.

So, I moved up a little and pushed in. I slid right in balls deep and waited a few moments to get my bearings. “Stop teasing me. Put it all the way in,” she kept complaining.

I moved, trying to push deeper in, but I had all my Silver Member rock-hard dick inside of her. Even in the dark room I could see both the other guys were easily twice to three times my size.

Samantha wrapped her legs around me. “I want more than just the tip!” she moaned and tried to pull me in deeper, but I was balls deep.

I was still trying to hold it together and not cum by not moving, but she was wiggling around and pulling me with her legs, and I was barely holding it together. When she realized I was balls deep she let out a drunken giggle. “Oh, my goodness. That’s it, isn’t it? I can barely feel it,” she moaned, and I lost it.

I started shaking. “Oh fuck, let me out, fuck…” I barely pulled out in time and exploded all over her stomach.

I got up and gave her a towel and she cleaned up. “Regain your composure and try again later,” she giggled.

The other guys took their turns on her. Both fucked her for probably 15 minutes each. It took almost that whole time before I could start to get hard again.

When Bryce finished, Samantha leaned off the bed and said to me, “You wanna try again, little guy?”

She started rubbing my dick. I still wasn’t fully hard, but her grabbing it helped. Samantha rolled back onto her back and opened her legs. The other two guys left to go play Xbox, and I climbed between her legs. I slowly pushed inside of her. There was a noticeable difference between when I fucked her the first round and now. Maybe she was just wetter, or the muscles had relaxed. But it felt like my little dick was barely touching the sides. I couldn’t even feel it being gripped inside of her.

I got balls deep and took another pause. My balls were already tightening up. Samantha kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “I can’t feel your babydick after those two big man cocks fucked me.”

I absolutely lost control. I tried to pull out, but Samantha wrapped her legs around me. “Fill me up with that premie load,” she giggled as I exploded inside of her.

I couldn’t control it, and I came for what felt like forever. I finally pulled out and cleaned up. Samantha just giggled in a satisfied tone, “I like you. You’re easy,” and walked away.


While this reader gets some Tinder action…

Me (19) and a friend (19) saw this girl on Tinder who was searching for a threesome experience, so we tried to match with her and ultimately did, but it went horribly. I’m a bit small (Bronze Member). Meanwhile, I discovered that my friend was really endowed, which was basically the whole problem because, at first, everything went smoothly, but when my friend started fucking her with his nine-inch man pole, it ruined everything.

She was enjoying it so much that she couldn’t suck or jerk my small dick, and when I tried to fuck her in the pussy she didn’t feel s thing and was too concentrated on my friend’s huge cock. In the end, I cum from jerking off and left them to it. Meanwhile, my friend and the Tinder girl carried on fucking.

The next day, he told me that she said my dick was pathetically small and useless for sex.


The neighbor catches this reader nude sunbathing…

I sat outside early in the morning because the sun was out, and I had the week off work. My garden is pretty enclosed, and if I sit in the corner, no one can see me. I got really hot, so I pulled my shorts off, put my earbuds in, and just lay back with my legs apart and my little soft dick on full display.

After a while, I opened my eyes, and there was a guy up a ladder cleaning the gutters of a house a couple of doors down. He’s looking right at me. I just kind of panicked and ran indoors and put my shorts back on.

Later on, I left my house to walk up to the shop. As I’m walking past that house the guy comes out with a woman. It turns out he was the guy up the ladder. He says hi and introduces himself and says I think we kind of met earlier and chuckled. He introduced his wife, and she just said hi, and she giggled. I raised her eyebrows a bit. Then just kept grinning at me.

I just kind of mumbled, “Oh hi, nice to meet you,” and walked off. G

Great to know my new neighbor saw my soft little inch dick, and he and his wife have had a good laugh about it, I guess.


Another reader flashes a restaurant…

I went to Eastern Europe for a week, and so I stayed in a hotel room. The first thing I did when I got to the room was take a shower after the flight. Having the room to myself, I didn’t put anything on after the shower. I noticed the curtains were wide open for the window, so I went to close them. I hesitated when I realized the window was low enough to show off my lack of manhood (my soft dick is like an inch), but I decided to go ahead anyway.

I was on the second floor and looked at the opposite street for a minute, taking in the view. I didn’t see anyone in the opposite building in the windows looking. But then, I noticed the restaurant on the ground floor, with outside seating.

When I saw a group of people, one girl was tapping her friend’s arm and pointing at me and had put her index finger and thumb close together. Her friends noticed I had spotted them and pointed the first one to me. She was surprised and waved hi, smiling. I smiled and waved back but started to pull the curtains closed. She shook her head and held her hands apart, jokingly saying big. I shook my head and kept closing it. She shrugged, gave me the tiny dick sign again, and waved bye. I waved bye and closed the curtains.

The last thing I saw was her turning back to her friends, and they were all laughing.

So, now I’ve been laughed at in multiple languages.

*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar by AI, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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