Operation Tiny

By Babydicklover


My name is Fiona Thomas, and this will be my first year at the University of Bordeaux. Let’s start by saying I never thought university would have been such a wild adventure of little drama. University was always beyond my reach because I come from a rural area. I don’t know anyone, and I’m honestly scared of how the university would play out. No one from my family has ever attended before, so I am entirely alone in figuring out how things work. Luckily, I had life-changing mentors who guided me to have this chance. I owe it to them.

On my first day, after the waterworks from my dramatic parents, I arrived at my dorm. It was what you probably would expect from a university dorm room-plain decor, two beds, and an old-feeling aura. I noticed my roommate was a slightly attractive girl who was a little chubby wearing a floral dress. I liked her style.

I walked up to her and said, “Hello, it is nice to meet you. My name is Fiona Thomas. I am new here. I guess I will be your roommate.”

I extended my hand, and she shook it, eyeing me judgmentally. She didn’t seem too pleased with me. I hope my breath didn’t smell because I needed to create an excellent first impression. I was going to live with this person for a whole year.

She responded, “It is nice to meet you, too. My name is Kate Artis.”

We had a general and, to be honest, awkward conversation. She was a second-year literature student, and I enthusiastically declared I was a film study major. This was exciting because they both held unique similarities. I jumped at the idea of us writing our screenplay together one day about two girls discovering themselves in a university setting.

She sarcastically commented, “Geez, are you always this giddy? Tone your energy a bit down, please. We just met.”

I nervously replied with shame, “Yes, sorry. I know I can be a bit much. I forget that people have boundaries and need to respect that. I just get excited to meet new people, and this is so new to me.”

She laughed and told me, “Don’t worry about it. That bubbly shine will disappear by the end of your first year.”

I asked her what she meant because that didn’t seem promising. I was worried university wouldn’t be a great experience like my mentors promised me. What if I couldn’t handle it?

“Girl, relax; everything will be fine. I am just telling you to be cautious about who you associate with. You can only trust yourself.”

I replied with a simple, “OK, that makes sense. What has your experience been like so far in university?

“It has been pretty uneventful and boring. University is not special.”

“Well, I will try to make it the best time for myself.”

She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. “Good luck to you. You let me know if you ever need anything.”

Going to bed that night, I thought about the conversation we had. Kate seemed to wear this type of armor over her heart. How she talked about university was disheartening, like she didn’t want to be here. She started to open up more but still felt necessarily guarded. I thanked her for her help and told her I would.


The first couple of weeks of university life were exciting and eventful. I had a chance to meet many different people and experience the exoticness of my professors. I had some compelling instructors from all walks of life. What interesting characters.

Something I failed to mention before was my infatuation with the rugby team. It wasn’t the main reason I came to this specific university, but it was a heavy consideration. I attended a couple of games. I had a massive crush on the senior star Stephen Blaire. He’s a buff, tall, and sexy man who led the team with confidence and cocky charisma. His ego called to me. I wasn’t super optimistic about myself and admired that in guys. I just wanted to know about him. He was pretty undesirable. I needed to get invited to a rugby party, but it was virtually impossible for fresh meat like myself. I asked Kate what she knew about the rugby team. Kate seemed like she had intel on every inch of the university. She was undeniably quick to shut down my request.

I was surprised by how quickly she snapped at me. “Kate, what is wrong? I am just curious about the rugby team.”

She lashed out at me. “You don’t want to be around them. They are bad news.”

After hours of begging, she told me she knew of a party at Stephen’s house that night. I was ready to move into this crowd, especially since it was finally my chance to flirt with Stephen. I was suspicious, though.

I curiously asked, “How do you know the address to Stephen’s place?”

“Just be happy I am giving you this information. You seem like you wouldn’t give up getting involved in this crowd, so I hope you are being careful. They can be pretty rough.”

It felt like she wasn’t telling me something, but I wasn’t about to intervene. She seemed pretty sensitive about the rugby team. I thanked her for everything and got ready for the big night. I wore a short black dress with heels.


I caught an Uber to his place, and it was a huge mansion. I entered the house and was greeted by several university students. Stephen walked up to me. It felt like a slow-motion moment in a film where the sexy man walks in your direction with some cheesy music playing in the background.

He asked me, “Hey, I’ve seen you at the games before. You are a freshman. How did you find out about this party?”

“I have connections,” and winked at him.

He smiled and gave me a small tour of the place. It was a massive mansion, and this was completely different from my lifestyle. I was mesmerized by how beautiful the place was.

He looked into my dark eyes and said, “What do you think of the place?”

I was lost in his voice and said with a suggestive smirk, “I hope I am the only girl getting a private tour today.”

He looked surprised and said, “Probably not. I am pretty much desired around here, like panning for gold,” with a cocky smile.

What was with this guy? He was mysterious. I was attracted to how he professionally flirts in a cheeky and cocky way that is different. I’ve never met a man like that before.

“Sounds like a challenge.”

He came close to me, and I could feel his sweet breath on my face. He seductively asked me, “Are you up for it?”

I was taken aback and said, “What do you think?”

I walked away because I wanted to be a tease while I knew he stared at my back view. I didn’t look back. I grabbed a drink and tried to join the crowd. I felt out of place. I saw a couple of girls chilling and sitting at the dinner table with snacks. They were giggling while watching something on their phones.

“Hey, everyone, room for one more? What are you watching?”

One of the blonde girls looked up at me and said, “We are re-watching this hilarious video of Kate exposing herself to the camera.”

“Wait, are you talking about Kate Artis?”

“Yes, she used to be cool around here but became a desperate girl who likes to expose herself.”

She showed me the video of Kate exposing herself to the camera and hearing Stephen laughing in the background, claiming she was such a crazy girl. I was shocked because Kate felt like a very reserved person. There was probably more to the story. I walked up to Stephen and asked him about the video of Kate Artis. He said they dated briefly and were jealous when he would flirt with other girls.

He looked cocky and said, “She became jealous and needy. One day, she came to my room and completely stripped herself. She wanted to be seen by everyone across campus because she begged me to share the video and photos with everyone. Afterward, I didn’t want to be with her anymore because she had tried to ruin my life. She claimed I took advantage of her and sent the images myself, which is completely untrue.”

I didn’t have any words but silently said, “She is my roommate.”

“Wow. Look out for yourself because that girl is crazy.”

I told him I needed to go. He looked worried and saddened to see me leave. I wanted to be with Stephen but needed to talk to Kate.

I caught another UBER back home and stormed to our dorm room like a mad woman.


I swung the door open and yelled, “Kate, I need to ask you a few things right now!”

Unbeknownst to me, Kate had someone over. She introduced herself as Jenny Whittle, a good friend of Kate’s. I was pleased to meet her. I apologized because I interrupted their evening.

I said to them, “I see you are busy. I can ask later.”

Kate looked at me with worried eyes and said, “You saw the video, didn’t you?”

I told her I did and wanted to know the whole story.

Kate said, “This happened last year towards the end of my first year. Stephen and I had gone on a couple of dates, and I liked him. He had a college scholarship and an academy contract with the big provincial team. He was going to be the country’s next best athlete for rugby and had just led his team to win the big cup for the school.

“He was weird, though, about being intimate. He would constantly flirt with other girls and lead them on. He had done this before but was told I was special. We got close, but he never wanted to do anything other than kiss. He became distant. One day, I had enough and told him he needed to choose me and quit flirting with other girls. He was angry and said no one told him what to do.

“He forced me to leave his house. The following week, he texted me he was sorry for how he treated me. He invited me to his place for drinks. We both kept drinking, and he got me loose. He convinced me to take my clothes off and recorded me. I was so drunk I didn’t even really know what I was doing.

“The next day, I learned the video was spread across the university. He sent it with my phone, so it looked like I had distributed them. I was incredibly embarrassed, and everyone made fun of me and my body. They told me this is why nobody wants chubby girls. I was heartbroken and utterly ashamed of myself.

“I confronted him, and he told me that is what I get for challenging him. He told me to get over it and get the hell out of his face.

“I remember what he told me, “If you know what is good for you, you better stay away from me. You never know what else I have on you.’

“He winked at me, laughed, and walked away.”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Stephen was an awful person.

With tears in her eyes, Kate said, “Now you understand why I didn’t want you near them.”

“I am so sorry, Kate. I had no idea. I was falling for him,” I said.

Jenny gently held Kate’s hand and said, “That’s what he does. He manipulates and emotionally abuses girls.”

I replied, “Girls, like plural? You mean he has done this to other girls?”

“Oh yeah, Sophie, Rachel, Emily, and Rona used to be popular girls on this campus until he ruined their lives. He has a way with words; you can easily be sucked in.”

“That almost happened to me,” ” I said. “We need to do something about this. Report this monster or go to the authorities.”

Kate looked up and said sternly, “Many have already tried. He knows what he is doing and ensures no evidence will lead back to him. He is a master manipulator, like a villain in a James Bond movie or something.”

I said, “I will make sure I don’t ever talk to him again. He has to have some weaknesses. I mean, you said he never wanted to get intimate. Is there something there with that?”

Kate said, “Yeah, but I wouldn’t look into it. He had power over me, and I just let it happen. He made me feel undesirable, which is why he never slept with me. I don’t know why I stuck around for so long. It was all my fault.”

Jenny said, “You know that is entirely not true. It is hard to leave that mindset when people are abused, especially when they gaslight you into thinking it is your fault.”

I was in deep thought and exclaimed, “This may be a stretch, you know, but he probably has a tiny dick.”

We all shared a squawking laugh.

Jenny giggled. “I don’t think that would be a stretch at all.”

We laughed at her adorable pun.

We changed the subject, and Jenny mentioned she was traveling to the United States for a music festival in Maine. It was Thursday, and she was leaving for the weekend. I was so jealous because I loved music festivals. Kate and I wished her safe travels.



I am excited to travel to Maine for the weekend to experience my first-ever music festival. It’s only a day, but so worth it. Trying to be there for Kate has been challenging because of what Stephen did to her. She has been groped and called many hurtful names for what he did. Traveling was exhausting, but I was here to have fun on my own. I help other people all the time. It was time for me to take care of myself. What an experience to walk around outside listening to different bands and engaging with other people with my shared interests. I was checking out this up-and-coming indie rock band when I passed someone who looked eerily familiar. It was Stephen! He walked right past me. He and I had never met before, so he didn’t even acknowledge me. I couldn’t believe he was here. What were the odds? I texted Fiona and Kate that Stephen was actually at the music festival.

Kate texted back immediately, ‘Girl, no way, do not engage with him. Leave wherever he is.’

Fiona agreed with Kate. That was the plan. I didn’t want to be anywhere around him. It was later in the evening, and a beautiful sunset was in our view. I was listening to a unique band with an ethereal sound. I looked up in the crowd and was greeted by Stephen’s presence again. The group wasn’t huge, so that I could see him. I was a little closer to him. It was blatantly obvious he was drunk because he was yelling and slurring his words.

A golden moment caught my eyes. Stephen started stripping. He took his shirt off, where his chiseled abs reflected the beautiful sunset. It pissed me off how amazing he looked, but they say the devil is ravishing. I would say they are right. He took off his pants and was wearing a thong. I held my hand over my mouth. This couldn’t be left to the imagination of Kate and Fiona. I needed to film this. I took out my phone and excitedly began to record this drunken bastard. People were shouting and cat-calling him while some ladies smacked his thick, juicy ass. He took off his shoes and socks.

Looking at his crotch area, I didn’t see much. It was completely flat. It looked like he had a vagina because there was no bulge. The crowd was chanting for him to strip completely, but he was initially hesitant. Maybe Fiona was right after all. He finally pulled down his thong and threw it to the group of screaming girls. Everyone started hollering and laughing at Stephen. I couldn’t see at first, which wouldn’t have made a difference. Finally, I got closer to him and got a precise angle of what people were laughing at.

This cocky son of a bitch had the tiniest dick I’d ever seen in my life. It was a bit like a ring pop, but way smaller. It was a tiny, little gherkin just nestled between his thick legs. I started laughing as loud as possible because it was the most hilarious thing in the world. It rarely moved because it was so shamefully small. He had this cocky smirk, oblivious to everything around him. So many girls were taking selfies with Stephen and giving him the universal small penis sign or sticking their pinkies out. He thought he was the hottest thing to grace the earth when everyone laughed at his shortcomings at the little thimble that could hardly be seen from an inch away.

It was less than an inch. It could have been around 0.2 inches because it kept going inside him several times. It was hiding from embarrassment. It was scary to the people chuckling at it. He frequently pulled it out and pretended he was this hung bull when he was a micro-dick baby boy. Many girls walked up to him and constantly flicked his little, mini-sized grape. They were shocked because his physique didn’t match the delicate little baby carrot between his legs. His big, manly body contradicted his puny penis. He was a beautiful man, so it was a shame he didn’t have a dick, just some little ding-a-ling bouncing around between his big legs.

What a stark contrast. Many audience members yelled they had seen bigger pee-pees on newborn babies, they couldn’t even see it, he needed to go through puberty, and they’d never been a fan of Vienna Sausages.

The band saw what was going on and even shouted to the baby-dicked man in the audience, who was brave enough to show how tiny he was.

The singer shouted in his mic, “Rock on, little dude. No shame in having a cock tinier than a baby. Spotlight him.”

The spotlight landed on Stephen, where everyone had an even clearer view of his underdeveloped boy parts. He grabbed his little guy with two fingers and stroked it, highlighting how small it was. The video was broadcasted on the band’s screen and zoomed closely in to see the little thing bouncing around like crazy as he danced like a fool. Everyone had their phones out, capturing his little essence. The security showed up and handcuffed him with his hands behind his back. The security guards knowingly looked at each other and nodded. It was like a… “yep, another cocky streaker who wants the world to see how tiny his one-inch penis is.”

They laughed at him as they dragged him across the festival with his little penis exposed to all the participants. Wow! Poor guy because his baby penis was the laughing stock of the whole festival. Since this was at a relatively new music festival in a pretty unknown state in the United States, it probably wouldn’t leak anywhere in France. I didn’t know what to do.

I sent the video to Kate and Fiona, and they were surprised by Brian’s little, tiny secret.

Kate replied, ‘Wow, no wonder he didn’t want to sleep with me. I would have laughed at his stupid face if I had faced the tiniest little cock of all time. What would I even do with that? I wouldn’t sleep with a guy bareback, so I wonder where he gets his little condoms. I take it they don’t even make his size anywhere. He must get them specially ordered by some little dick expert. I feel so elated that I can take on the world, and I am happy I am not some dude with a vagina-like dicklette. He must be so sad his little incher is so tiny. 🤣🤣

Fiona texted, ‘Oh my goodness, LMAO, I am genuinely curious what the hell happened to him while he was in his mommy’s womb for him to be born like that. He probably wasn’t even born with a dick because if he did, it hardly grew. Maybe his mommy fed him too much formula, stunting his growth. Or maybe his daddy also has a little puny dinkie between his legs. Why do guys with micropenises even have children? What woman wants to be with them, and why would they want their boys always to be single and rejected? It is a matter of nature, no one wants a little boy dick, except for the Greeks, but they were just weird. The pleasure wasn’t necessary to them because I am sure women were faking during that time. He must disappoint so many women in bed. I would have laughed in his face. I don’t even know what I am talking about. He is still a little virgin. How is he walking around without a care in the world while everyone just laughed at his teeny weenie?

I text back, ‘Too many beers, I am guessing. LMAO. What do we do with this unforeseen footage? We have the power to ruin this loser’s life and make sure he never gets any action again with his girly pussy. Women have the right to know when a miniature cocklette like Stephen’s traps them. It is our human right.’

Kate responded, ‘Oh my goodness, we will probably screw it up. We need reinforcements who are just as invested in getting revenge as we are. I am thinking of Jordan O’hara and Connor Matlin.

That is a great idea! No one wants to bring Stephen down as much as them,’ I text back.

Fiona asked, ‘Who are they?

They are two guys from a rival school who lost to our rugby team. They are angry because they know Stephen cheated but can’t prove it. They must know what to do. When I return from the festival, let’s meet with them.’

‘Sounds like a plan. Ooh, let’s call this ‘Operation Tiny.’

LMAO, yes, that is a perfect name.’



My head was killing me, my vision was starting to clear, and I was in some detention facility. It looked like that. My hands were behind my back, and I was handcuffed. I didn’t even know where I was. I was sitting on a cold chair. Three security guards were talking in another room. They saw I was awake, came out to introduce themselves, and undoubtedly held back laughter. These officers looked at each other and kept discreetly smirking like there was some big secret they had hidden from me. It was like they were reading each other’s minds. They were looking down and then started laughing at me. They couldn’t hold back their laughter anymore.

I was furious and yelled, “Where the hell am I, and what are you pigs laughing at?”

He pointed at me and said, “Who do you think you are, little man, for yelling at us like that? We should arrest your ass. Since you are so eager to learn what is so amusing, look down.”

I looked down and was horrified by what I saw. I was completely naked from head to toe, and my tiny shaftless penis was exposed to these manly men. I gasped and tried to cover the little guy with both hands but failed. I was desperately doing anything to cover up my undersized wee-wee. I squished my legs together, which made it look even tinier. They were laughing at me.

“Haha, what are you trying to do? There isn’t anything to cover up.”

“It is chilly here. We are so sorry about that, little bro.”

“I always love when we host music festivals because there is always some douche who causes trouble running around naked with his child-like wee-wee.”

“That is a tiny penis, man. Life must be hard for you because no one wants that unhung pee-pee anywhere near them. Damn, you are hung like a field mouse. Check out those big muscles. Haven’t ya heard? No amount of lifting weights is going to help you grow that teeny muscle between your legs. Your big legs make it look even tinier. That is just hilarious and sad at the same time. How do you even jack off? You must use two fingers or possibly one.”

I shook my head and asked, “Can I please just go? I am sorry for all the trouble I caused.”

“You hear that? This little pee-pee boy is embarrassed by his pathetic excuse for a penis. How old are ya, boy?”


They had a field day over that.

“Oh wow, we thought maybe you would still have time to grow, but you will be stuck with that little stumpy for the rest of your life.”

I was super red in the face and wanted to throw up. It was humiliating how these men were drilling me with horrible comments about my pinky-sized jewel.

“Let’s give the little guy a break because it must be hard for him to have a tiny acorn bouncing between his legs. Before we let you go, you must promise us you won’t streak and let anyone see your little vulva again.”

I was so ashamed but didn’t have a choice in the matter, so I said, “I won’t ever streak again and let people see my little, baby dinky winky again. It’s so minuscule. I can’t even see it when I look down because of my thick abs. It’s a dick-do.”

They laughed and slapped me on the back for being a good sport about having such a cute little peanut. Before they let me go, they took out a camera and took a picture of me and my little weenie roast. They said it belonged on their wall of shame, which included photos of other vigilantes. I was the only nude one. They shoved the photo in my face, and man, was it tiny. I was incredibly embarrassed my naked body was photographed and would remain on that wall forever. Anyone who passed by would take the utmost pleasure and sheer joy seeing me in my cold, shriveled-up state. They uncuffed my hands and let me go. I asked them for some clothes, and they denied my request. They said if I had the bolstering confidence to jeopardize my lack of manliness to thousands of music lovers, I should take no issue going outside with my stack of dimes. They pointed in my face and told me I better not cover myself. I needed to accept my shameless schmeckle.

The festival was only a day, so they claimed no one would be outside. As I snuck towards the exit door, they watched my withering prepubescent penis and commented on my bodacious bubble behind. They said I had a breathtaking and sensational backside but was ashamed of my pathetic front. I ignored them and propped my head outside the door. They lied! There were plenty of workers cleaning everything up.

One of the security guards escorted me to my car. He ensured I kept my small microphallus exposed to the public by handcuffing me again. Immediately, I heard people laughing and giving me the small penis sign. I felt so demeaned and crushed by this awakening. I thought people would give me some sympathy. I would have liked some consolation that size doesn’t matter and my tiny mushroom cap could bring someone pleasure.

A big bear-like worker asked condescendingly, “Hey, what’s up, shrimpy? Too much to drink last night?”

I saw many people with phones gawking at my baby dick from a distance. I don’t even know how they could see it. I took some comfort knowing it was so tiny it probably wouldn’t have shown up on their phones. The security guard noticed my obvious discomfort and told me not to worry about my little dum dum lollipop because most people don’t care. I knew this was a lie because he held back a chuckle after.

After what felt like miles of little dick jokes, we reached my car. He uncuffed me, smacked my butt for emphasis, and left. I entered the car and looked down at my soft, little penis. It was so tiny, and I was so embarrassed. I put on my extra clothes, so my weenie peenie wouldn’t be exposed. I was praying any recordings would not reach France. I returned to campus, and no one said anything. I believe no one saw anything, which they probably wouldn’t have anyway. I was super lucky.



This morning, I received an interesting and alluring text from Jenny that they had something they could use over Stephen. I told Connor, and he was excited because we had hit a rock wall for months trying to come up with something. There was nothing we could use over Stephen since he was a masterful cheater and made us lose last year’s final game. It ruined our team’s reputation, and we lost most of our scholarships. People desire to know the truth behind Stephen, but we know we can’t prove it, but this text sounds promising. Jenny let us into Kate and Fiona’s dorm room.

Immediately, we wanted the juicy tea on Stephen. Jenny explained where she was and showed us the video on her laptop. It was a cocky Stephen wearing a thong and stripping his clothes. We stared intently at the screen, questioning if it was real. He finally yanked his thong and exposed his little nub with balls smaller than peanuts to the camera. Connor and I started laughing super hard with everyone else, and tears were practically falling out. We couldn’t even believe a grown man could have such a tiny, little pecker. There was almost nothing there, just a little button in a fur coat. Stephen wronged us at some point, and it was time we had this sweet revenge. We blossomed brightly in this position, something we never thought we would see.

After the video, Jenny leaned in and asked, “So, now you know about Stephen’s little gherkin secret. What do you propose we do about it?”

I looked at Connor, and he nodded. I looked at him wide-eyed, like something miraculous had been uncovered.

With an evil grin, we asked the girls, “Do you know about the end-of-the-year rugby student gala?”

Kate looked puzzled and asked, “No, what is that?”

“It is only the biggest student-run banquet in this country for rugby players. It is like a day conference; they first highlight the year’s best player. We are organizing it and know Stephen will be named Student of the Year, so we just need to ensure this video will be seen by everyone there. There are usually around 500 people there. That’s potentially a lot of eyes to witness Stephen’s deep, dark, tiny secret. He would be ruined and annihilated. He would be single for the rest of his life. No one would ever sleep with him knowing he had a tiny thumb for a sausage.”

Kate smiled and said, “If you can make it happen, let’s do this! Operation Tiny is in order.”

Connor and I giggled at that very appropriate name.

All of us joined hands and yelled, “OPERATION TINY!”



I am super excited to attend the end-of-the-year rugby student gala. It is the best event for university rugby players. This event is my final chance to mark my legacy as a university rugby player. This is my last time to shine because, after next semester, I will be a graduate scouted for a hugely professional team. I arrived at the luxurious hotel. The venue was average. I am sure most students will be astonished because they don’t usually come from a high-class lifestyle like me. Not everyone can be born into wealth and privilege; most people shouldn’t. I walked in with a charming dark purple suit. I could see all the girls infatuated with me, which made sense. Why wouldn’t they be? I was fundamentally perfect everywhere. Any girl would be lucky to have me.

Everyone was eating, and I was having a good time at my school’s table. Jordan from a rival school of ours, someone who tried to ruin my career, spoke at the podium, saying we should move to the dance floor for a relevant dance for the evening. This was strange because dancing happened at the end after the awards were given out. Everyone confusingly moved to the dance floor, and “Short Dick Man” by 20 Fingers started playing. I was stunned. Why did they begin by playing a song like that? The song had the most humiliating lyrics any man with a little, tiny dick would cringe at:

Don’t want no short dick man.
What in the world is that fucking thing?
Do you need some fucking tweezers to put that little thing away?
That has got to be the smallest dick.
I have ever seen in my whole life.
Get the fuck outta here.
Iny weeny teeny weeny
Shriveled little short dick man.

People laughed at the song, and I pretended to play along but sometimes felt my face burn red thinking about how everyone would react if they saw my undersized slugger. I would be mortified if they saw my little, excited inch poking straight out. After the song, they told us to return to our seats. Everyone kept on laughing at the music.

Jordan said, “Please, everyone, I know the song is comical and beyond laughable. We hope the lyrics give you some inspiring ideas. You will soon know why we played it. Thank you, everyone, for attending tonight’s event. Are you all excited?”

The audience repeated they were with thrilling sensation.

“We are, too, because we have a unique, little treat here tonight. We are awarding a man of courage, honor, and integrity. Stephen Blaire is one of the most talented rugby players of all time we have seen in this country. Don’t take our word for it. His remarkable talent can’t just be shared by spoken word. Check out this sizzle reel we made for him throughout his career.”

I was excited to see what these idiots did for me. The video will be outstanding for my performance. As the video played, I was confused and horrified to see a video of me at the music festival in Maine. I was wearing my lucky thong, the one I was wearing tonight. I saw everyone was shocked but started giggling at my body. I heard several comments about how hot my body was.

Compliments from these bimbos would usually inflate me. Still, I had a horrible feeling about where this video was going. The security guards never told me what was captured that evening, mostly because I didn’t want to know. I was staring at my drunk, idiotic self, acting like a stupid fool, and finally, it came to the final countdown. I pulled down my thong, and you could see my little baby nub of a penis bounce in everyone’s view.

The whole room became entranced by my pathetic nanoscopic innie and exploded in laughter at my little condition. The camera person zoomed in so that you could see every humiliating detail. There was footage of my little dinkle fondled and played with. The room reverberated with uncontrollable laughter, and even the band’s lead singer made fun of my little guy. I didn’t know they spotlighted me at the festival. I couldn’t even hear anything from the blaring, chaotic howling in the room.

It was mind-numbing what was happening. I couldn’t believe my embarrassing naked body was shown to everyone across the country. Even my team couldn’t control themselves. Everyone held cameras and recorded the video on the screen, and most people were staring and laughing at me. I couldn’t stomach this. I tried to leave, but my teammates forced me to stay.

I heard comments from girls who were legitimately upset because I was hung like a toddler. This ruined their image of me. They questioned why the hot, cocky guys who couldn’t perform in bed always had teeny-sized packages. The guys said they understood why I never used the locker room showers with anyone. The video lingered for what felt like forever but finally ended. Sadly, it took a century for the laughter to die down.

Jordan laughed his ass off and said, “Thank you for learning about the great and mighty Stephen. We have all heard the phrases like size does not matter or the motion of the ocean. You know what they say, something like small things pack a powerful punch or some bullshit. These come from unhung guys like Stephen here who can’t accept their role as a baby-dicked dudette who can’t sexually please anyone. These guys are angry and arrogant because they have to overcompensate for their shortcomings. We aren’t done for the night. We have a few special guests who want to congratulate Stephen personally.”

Kate, Fiona, Jenny, Sophie, Rachel, Emily, and Rona walked over and brought me to the stage. I was distraught. What was going on, and why were these stupid girls here?

Kate spoke at the podium, “What you don’t know about little Stephen is that he is a horrible person who uses and mentally and emotionally abuses girls. He made us feel undesirable and contributed to our low-self esteem. We wanted to repay him for the kindness he graced us with. Are you ready, ladies? Go!”

I didn’t know what that meant, but I was scared. After Kate spoke, she joined in and began stripping me. They ripped off my entire suit and threw the articles of clothing to the screaming audience members. People were hooting and laughing as they were doing this to me. They finally got me down to my lucky thong. They laughed and smacked my ass as they held me down. The girls gave me a massive wedgie. I tried hard to fight them off, but these girls were powerful together. I was helpless. Everyone was filming me, and there was a professional cameraperson seizing every opportunity to record my soft body.

“Are you all ready to see Stephen’s tiny dick?”

The audience shouted with joy filling their lungs, and chanted baby dick repeatedly until they gave me a wedgie so hard that my thong ripped off. It fell to the floor by my ankles. I quickly covered the tiny jellybean. The girls pulled my hands away from my miniature crotch and began laughing at my adolescent-sized joystick. They grabbed and handcuffed me to the pole with my hands behind my back. Not this again. The whole room detonated with horrific laughter. It was appalling. There were millions of cameras focused on my little penis. They had to organize the room but had people come up in groups and take pictures. Some were closeups of my little pinky-like boy chode. They laughed at how my nanoscopic balls were bigger than my ping-pong ball. I couldn’t say anything because I was speechless.

This was the worst experience of my life. I was hoping someone would end this, but that wasn’t going to happen. For everyone to get a better look, they set up a live camera in front of me, which was projected on the big screen. You could see how tiny I was now from afar. Jordan and Connor came up and put the microphone to my face. They told me to say their school was better, I cheated, and I have a prick more diminutive than a newborn baby. I repeated what they wanted me to say, and everyone in the room had the time of their lives.

Jordan said, “To all the guys in the room, don’t worry if you don’t have someone yet because you will always be better off than that little cocklette between Stephen’s legs. No one will ever sleep with him. Be grateful to be average because it is better than that. I mean, imagine owning that little dangling piece of meat your entire life.”

People came up and commented: they didn’t know cocktail weenies were on the menu for tonight, they could use my abnormally sized pee-pee as a model for medical students on how to care for infant-sized penises, and they knew women with more giant clits than mine. These comments were horrible. They looked through my bag and discovered my Magnum XL box of condoms, which I only purchased for the clout. They took it out and opened one. My tiny manhood barely fit in and only covered 5% of the entire condom. This drove people crazy. Many people flicked my little penis and filmed my reaction. Everyone was dancing the night away while I was subjected to numerous small dick jokes. For some reason, my little penis started to harden. This wasn’t happening. Some folks saw my baby boner and pointed it out.

With the mic, Jordan said, “Wow, everyone. It looks like Stephen has a little, special announcement just for us,” as the camera zoomed in on my little boner.

Kate came up to me, squeezed it, and stroked it with two fingers. My hard dick was smaller than her little pinky finger. She made sure to point this out because she had abnormally small hands. I felt it coming, and my hips suddenly pushed forward. Strands of semen ejected out of my little wee-wee for everyone’s delightful enjoyment. It quickly shriveled to an innie coated with my cum. This made everyone go crazy. They couldn’t believe I just blew my little load. People also laughed at how I was a premature ejaculator. The night ended with hundreds of pictures and disgusting comments about my little pink worm.

The place was empty, and no one undid the handcuffs. I was worried because how was I going to escape? I didn’t want the hotel staff to see me like this. They had the place for another two hours. Kate unexpectedly came up from behind and told me how good she felt in her position of power. She grabbed my little boy-like penis with two fingers and massaged it. I moaned, and she giggled at me.

“Hey, officer, one-inch. No one is coming to save you. It is only you and me here. It must be so awful to have this little weenie between your legs, knowing you will always be a tiny virgin for the rest of your miserable life. I don’t pity you because you deserve to have this smallish subatomic particle.”

My penis started to harden, and soon enough, it was rock hard. She laughed and said it looked like a little bullet. She measured it at 1.3 inches. After reading the measurement, she even turned red because she was so embarrassed for me.

“Oh my goodness, you are hard at 1.3 inches! This is just sad!”

She kissed my tiny itty bitty peen, and put the entire thing in her mouth with no problem. I came in her mouth so fast. She spat it in my face and undid the handcuffs.

“Run along home, loser. Have fun finding someone who will even consider talking to you now.”

“Where are my clothes? I can’t run home like this. People will see me naked,” I said.

“Not my problem. Go on with your little half-incher.”

I ran through the hotel as fast as possible, with people watching and laughing at me. I sprinted home and endured many comments from passers-by. Thank god it was at night, so there weren’t many people out. I reached home and realized I didn’t have my house keys. I had to wait until my stepdad got home. He came home, and I forgot his brother was coming over. I waited for him for a while, so I naturally forgot to cover myself. It was a cold night, so it was an innie.


They walked up to me and looked down right at my dwarfish dinky. My stepdad chuckled and asked me what was wrong with me for showing the world my teensy-weensy micropenis. My uncle laughed and claimed he didn’t know I was incredibly tiny and that I was smaller than my baby cousin. He asked me when I thought my balls would drop and I could be a man.

I embarrassingly screamed, “Hey, you guys, cut it out.”

I realized I wasn’t covering my underdeveloped boyhood. I covered the scared, little wee-wee. My stepdad and uncle giggled at how ridiculous I looked. He undid my hands, exposing my microcock to them once again. My stepdad shared the truth of how he was always worried about me finding a girl because of my micropenis. He told me my mom said I was diagnosed with a micropenis when I was a baby. He told me my real father had a boy dicklette like me. He said I should join a micropenis support group, so I don’t always have to be the smallest one in the room.

He gave me a wink, and we went inside. He questioned why I was butt naked. He told me to tell him the whole story, but he didn’t let me put clothes on. I just had to sit on the couch while my father and uncle kept eyeing my little button penis, ostensibly trying not to laugh. As they heard the comments students made, he couldn’t help himself. He said he didn’t blame them because it was insanely tiny and laughable. Unfortunately, I found the music festival video posted online and had to play it for their entertainment. My stepdad and uncle thought it was funny and told me to stay naked the whole evening while my stepdad made dinner. I just sat with my naked self and watched television with my uncle. He kept comparing my little one-incher to things my dad was cooking, like baby carrots and cherry tomatoes.

After dinner and my uncle left, my stepdad told me not to make this a habit because many men with dinky dongers like to expose them. After the humiliating conversation with my father, I finally ran upstairs with my microshaft ding dong bouncing wildly. I could hear his laughter as I ran up.

I didn’t want to look on social media, but I needed to. There were hundreds of postings about the event, and each one had around 12 comments about my baby penis. One of the comments said I was probably way smaller than the Hobbits from the Shire. Some said they had no idea I was packing such a small penis and didn’t know how I would pleasure anyone.

I went back to school Monday after the weekend and was massively humiliated at every turn of the university. Almost everyone saw the video. My life was ruined. My coach made fun of me and told me I had been kicked off the team for cheating. This included my scholarship and an offer to play on a professional team. They replaced me with Harry Raskin, who was friends with Jordan and Connor. Our team failed, and the rival team Jordan and Connor belonged to become the best team in the country.

My final semester was the worst of my life because students constantly laughed at me, and some professors snickered at me during lectures and office hours. No one took me seriously anymore now that the truth was out there. My reputation changed from being the star player with a bright future to the baby-dicked cheater with no future. It was a horrible lesson but a revelation I needed to experience to be more understanding and appreciative.


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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