Gynecomastia 7
By Jake.

Read Part 2 Here.
Read Part 3 Here.
Read Part 4 Here.
Read Part 5 Here.
Read Part 6 Here.
Part 7…
Husband’s Perspective:
The rest of the drive home was incredibly quiet.
I was an odd combination of angry, humiliated, emasculated, and a bit turned on. I wish the feeling of these undies didn’t turn me on, but they did. Hell, you’d think, if nothing else, the pad in them would make it no longer erotic, but my constant leaking even made that feel nice.
I hoped this ‘fashion show’ had been forgotten when we got home. But I was wrong.
“Stace, before we get settled in let’s have you try all this on. Even the same cut can fit differently if it’s a distinctive style or type,” she proudly declared on the way in.
That didn’t sound very good. I had no real excuse not to and any outburst I’d had recently been turned against me. I came up with my only possible out.
“But I don’t want to make them all dirty.”
“Trying them on won’t make them all dirty. Plus, they all must be washed before you wear them.”
“No, I meant because my, my…”
“You’re what?” She replied teasingly. She knew what I was referring to.
“I’m still uh…” That was all I could muster while pointing toward my completely flat, pantied crotch, where the only bulge was from the pad I’d put in. I knew this would continue the period gag she started at the store, but it was still better than a fashion show. But she somehow managed to cut me deeper with her response.
“Oh, you’re clitty’s still wet. I didn’t realize you were still so turned on.”
I had no reply because it was true.
“Well, we must get your measurements before we relieve you. It takes so long for you to recover. You can step out of those while I get the tape.”
Too shaken to do anything but comply, I lowered my panties, stepped out of them, and waited naked from the waist down. The damn thing was still leaking, so I tried to scoop it up.
Wife’s Perspective:
This is like a dream I didn’t know I had come true. A panty fashion show from my hubby. That doesn’t feel like the right description currently. My newest girlfriend and bestie seem much more fitting. Speaking of fitting, I can’t get over how well his manhood, no manly bits, oh the hell with it, his cute little clit-dick fits in panties. Oh I should probably call the doctor about his leaking.
“Hey, Stace, I’ve got to make a quick call. Just hang tight.” That made me giggle; he doesn’t have much hanging now.
I dialed the direct line to her office, and she answered quickly, “Casey? What can I do for you? You both were just in today, everything okay?”
“All’s well, just a couple quick follow-ups. Stacey seems to be leaking or, uh, dripping what I can only assume is pre-cum. Is that expected?”
She laughed while responding, “Yes, it is. With the amount of hormones surging, it’s the equivalent of being wet for us.”
“He’s pretty self-conscious about it. Even tried a pad in his panties to make it better, but that made it worse for him. Any ideas?”
“Well, you could work to keep him emptied, so to speak.”
“I mean, sex is kinda difficult currently, but I’m not opposed to going down on him.”
“Yes, I encourage that, but that won’t fix this. You’ll need to drain him through prostate massage. In short, hah, sorry that wasn’t professional. What I’m saying is go down on him, let him have his orgasm. Then, prostate massage until he is having what looks like orgasm spasms, but nothing comes out. I’d say do it until the testicle pulls up, but he is up more than normal. You’ll want to hold your hand or finger against your penis since it’s so pulled in to know for sure.”
I was ecstatic about this idea.
“Oh, I can do that. Got just the thing. One more question. Is he wearing panties going to make his balls stay up more?”
“Well, yes and no. Yes, they will temporarily, but they’ll descend right back when he’s out of them for a bit.”
“He’s worried about looking intersex but didn’t want to say it. Since we can’t do anything about the breasts, I’m encouraging him to lean in, so to speak. But the sometimes up, sometimes down, balls and the associated skin isn’t helping.”
“Oh, that’s a simple solution. Go to the store and get some postpartum cream. It’s meant for breast and stomach skin, but I will do the same for his scrotum. It should pull the skin in nicely and tight pretty quickly. Takes care of the skin and fighting the testicles.”
“Thank you so much. This will be a tremendous help to his self-image. If it comes up at the next appointment, can you say you requested it to protect that skin? He’d be mortified, I asked.”
“Of course, dear. You’re an amazing wife, and you both will get through this. Let me know how it all goes in the meantime.”
What am I doing? Did I ask how to keep my husband’s balls tucked away? Am I going to drain his balls? This is crazy. But it’s also kinda hot. Alright, I just need to slow down. For now, I need to get measurements.
When I walked back into the room, I swear it looked like he was fingering himself. I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess that’s probably easier when it’s that small. It’s not like he could use his whole hand. But he knew I needed measurements and was letting his horniness get in the way.
“Stace, why are you fingering your clit when you know I need measurements?!”I asked angrily
He stumbled, replying, ” I wasn’t fingering my clit…”
Husband’s Perspective:
Why did I just call my dick a clit? Say something else, anything.
“I was dripping still when I took off my panties.” That didn’t sound better, but it was true
“That would make sense if you had tissue paper and weren’t sitting down with your legs spread like a woman in heat.” She quipped back.
I couldn’t tell her I had to sit like that because nothing poked out when I stood up. I couldn’t.
“Listen, is it at least ready to measure now that you’ve played with it?” She said as she stepped forward and reached out her hand to check.
“I’m not all the way hard.”
“I didn’t say hard Stace. Clitties don’t work like that. Let’s see, you’re wet, nipples are hard, the face is flush, I’d say you’re aroused. Let me get the tape from my pocket.”
Wife’s Perspective:
I can’t believe he called it a clit. I honestly thought he would put his foot down about that. Maybe that’s why he was fingering himself. Maybe he’s coming to terms with this.
Anyway, he was aroused. I agree with him. I’m not sure ‘hard’ was a good description, but it aroused me.
“Aroused length…” I made a point not to say erect.
“Um…okay” I was shocked the measurement was under 2 inches. He was neither a grower nor a shower.
“Well, what was the measurement? I knew I was just nervous and cold. It’s way bigger now.”
“Oh, you don’t need it. I saw how the measurement in the office upset you.”
“No, I want to know. I’m a grower, not a shower.”
That remark made me laugh like an offensive snort-laugh.
“I’m sorry I laughed, but Hun, you’re not a grower or shower right now. And that’s expected. If you must know the number, it’s 1.75 inches.”
He was angry. “You’re lying.” He grabbed the tape and pulled it out himself. He didn’t know you were supposed to press in, so it was worse. Now, it showed maybe 1.5 inches.
“I guess you’re right. I lied. It’s 1.5 from your measurement. Can I get the circumference, or do you want to embarrass yourself there too?”
He handed over the tape, and I got the final aroused measurement.
“Alright, now the fun part.”
I went to cup his balls that were still high and tight while I pulled his cocklette into my mouth. I swear I flicked once and sucked, and he came. I knew he was on edge, but damn. I was draining him after that showing.
“Well, that was something. Now listen, you aren’t going to like the next part, but we have to. You must drain more of what’s in my mouth so you aren’t constantly dripping. I’ll need to massage you’re g-spot.”
He looked lost.
“You’re prostate.”
“No, that’s gay. I’m not doing that.”
“That’s fine. I guessed that would be your reaction. If you aren’t gonna do that, you’ll simply continue to wear a pad in your panties.”
“I just came. I should be good awhile.” He argued
“Your current hormone levels will remain constant unless we do something about it,” I explained again.
I could see he was struggling with a choice. He liked neither of his options, so he finally spoke up.
“What if I just relieve myself when it happens?”
“Look, babe, one, you’d still have to either wear a pad for when it happens or keep spare panties with you like you’re on your period. And two, you can’t just run off to finger yourself multiple times a day. Please let me help you.” I could tell he was close to caving after those remarks.
“Okay, what do I need to do?”
“Just relax. I’m gonna start with going down on you while you get comfortable with my hand here,” I said as I engulfed his package and teased his taint. His immediate precum made as good a lube as anything. I slowly eased my finger, just barely in. I knew I couldn’t reach his prostate from here, and that was the point. Time to twist the knife and get what I want.
“I just can’t seem to reach the right spot. Is this how you always felt when you tried to fuck me with your little clitty? Hmm?”
Before he could respond, I said, “Oh honey, I see you can’t even talk. You’re so pent-up. I know what will get you relief.”
Trap set, knife twisted. I grabbed my ex’s clone a cock. But he noticed that.
“No, I can’t. I won’t. ” He started arguing.
“Listen, sweetie. I can’t seem to reach where you need me to. This is no different than when you use this on me when you realize your clitty isn’t big enough. Just relax. It’s just us. We won’t share this with the doctor.”
I lubed it up, inserted it, and turned on the vibrator. He let out what could only be described as a girly yelp. His clitty was dripping in no time. I could feel everything pulling up into him as the draining continued. The only problem was I couldn’t tell if he was still dripping or just a mess once his clit-dick went inverted. I don’t know what made me do it, but when I cup him to check I inserted my finger where his head used to be. He jerked and dribbled more immediately.
“Do you like it when I finger you, baby?”
Once it was done, he was wiped, and there was nothing to tuck in his panties. Oh, we would be doing him again.
“See, you don’t have to wear a pad or tuck. The nice feminine mound is all you see.”
A few hours later, I tested the theory. Started trying to arouse him. Kissing his neck, playing with his nipples, rubbing his new feminine mound. You could tell it was driving him wild, but he was not dripping and had no erection. Mission accomplished.
The next day, I picked up the cream the doctor recommended while getting a few other things. When I got home, he saw the cream unpacking the groceries.
“What’s this for, babe?” he asked.
I knew I had to keep my reply subtle and encouraging of a recovery.
“Oh, the doctor called while I was out. She recommended this for your loose skin down there. Said it would help protect the skin and keep it stretchy for when your package returns to the size of a man’s.”
“Oh, so it’s for both?”
I guess I hadn’t considered putting it on his clit-dick, but since he brought it up…
“Yep, that’s right sweetie. Why don’t we apply the first treatment? Drop your panties.”
Today’s panties were the pink camo pair. I couldn’t help myself.
“Oh camo, how rugged and manly,” I said sarcastically.
I lathered his entire ‘manhood.’ He still seemed cleared out, as his sack was already pulled up. He seemed to get a bit hard, but it was hard to tell. I made a mental note to do this additionally after each draining. He went to pull his camo panties back up.
“You’ll want to leave those off unless you want cream all in them. Hah. I mean lotion.”
He turned bright red before asking, “What do I wear then?”
I’d assumed he would just slip his shorts back on, but since he asked.
“We’re home for the day. Just slip on one of those sleep shirts we got you. You don’t need to worry about undies. I’ll do the same. We’ll have a lounge girls’ day.”
Husband’s Perspective:
I went to change in a state of shock. How has this become my life? My beautiful wife told me to change into a nightie for a ‘girls’ day.’ I’m stuck increasing my estrogen levels because I waited too long, and now my manhood is being actively shrunk to help preserve the skin. Whatever the hell that means. If that wasn’t bad enough, I’ve not even tried to get hard since my draining yesterday, which has me more than worried. I grabbed the black nightie (not realizing she said sleepshirt). It was so short it barely covered me. Which I guess was the point after the cream. The fabric did feel electric on my nipples, though, and they immediately perked up. I’m sure I was quite the site.
When I returned to the living room, Casey was not wearing a nightie or lingerie. That’s when I realized I’d misheard her, but before I could retreat, she saw me.
“Wow, I would have thought you’d want to be comfy, but you do you.” She said through a giggle.
“I misheard. I’ll go change.”
“Don’t do that. You look hot and are enjoying it. Don’t think I don’t see those nipples through your nightie!”
Wife’s Perspective:
When we bought the nighties, I genuinely thought he would hang down past the hem at least, but with him drained, that was not the case. Holy shit, this is hot. Then I had a naughty thought. If my finger can go in when he’s inverted, so could my little clit vibe…I can’t wait to drain him again tomorrow.
(Should I continue this series, or is it played out?)
To Be Continued…?
*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
3:28 pm
absolutely continue! especialy now that he is getting fucked with the ex’s big clone dick! how humiliating! and the doctor should find out!
7:29 am
Your story is one of the most popular on the site, so we’d love you to continue it.
8:06 am
I agree, the doctor should find out. One option is the wife talks about how he softly moaned her ex’s name when he was in the middle of the act.
4:07 am
Also, another idea would be that his wife encourages him to sit while he tinkles because she has noticed drops from when he goes as he is to small to clear his fly opening.
Idea 2- he has appointment to doctors to check sperm count but the appointment is at the doctors other office were she volunteers for the military fitness examinations.
12:18 pm
Oh yes please!!
1:05 am
Lease keep it going!
Mayne eventually.her ex.comes.back and mis takes.him as her sister. Or goimg to his familys house en femme
Maybe he has to start to sit to pee or occasionally.wear pull ups bevause of him dribbling pre and pre cum
Could be invited.on beach day with anothet couple….contrastin a other man in a speedo or maybe he forgets his swim suit and has tonwear a one piece
No where near played out OP…thank you for sharing!!