Co-Workers Small Cock (CMNM SPH)
By cmnm.

He entered the changing room and passed by a mirror. As he did so, he checked himself out. He knew he was hot. His short-cropped hair and stubble framed his handsome face nicely. His gym shorts were big and baggy, but there was the definite impression of a big bulge between his legs. He smiled as he remembered two girls checking it out earlier as he lifted weights.
Andrew went straight to the toilets and ensured the cubicle door was locked behind him. He pulled down his shorts to reveal a pair of briefs that seemed to be straining to contain his bulge. Double-checking that the door was locked, he reached into the waistband of his briefs and pulled out a pair of rolled-up socks. His package went from massive to almost completely flat.
While Andrew had the looks and the body to get anyone he pleased, unfortunately, between his legs was lacking significantly. Flaccid, his dick was just a small head, only an inch long, with a ball sack that looked practically empty. He kept his pubic hair well-trimmed, hoping it would make it look bigger, but it only emphasized how little he had.
Hard wasn’t much better. He was just under three inches, but it looked smaller because it curled up and to the side. To make matters worse, it was skinny. Even small condoms felt baggy.
He had started stuffing his underwear in high school when he noticed everyone else in the locker rooms getting increasingly noticeable bulges. All the while, his stayed flat. He found if he wore boxer briefs or anything too baggy, the socks would shift, and his underwear would look weird and bulky. The briefs seemed to be perfect. They held the socks in place and gave him a massive bulge. He never changed in front of anyone, just in case. Even at the gym, he was standing tucked in the corner of the changing room to quickly swap his shorts and tee shirt for his jeans and shirt. His pants would stay on to protect his little secret, no matter how sweaty or dirty.
It worked well, though. It meant when Andrew needed to take a piss, like he had to use a cubicle just now. Andrew pissed into the toilet, stuffed the socks back down, and headed out to get changed.
As he walked over to his locker, he spotted Mark from his office, putting stuff into the locker beside his.
“Alright, man,” said Andrew as he unlocked his locker and started pulling his clothes out of his bag. “How’s it going?”
Mark was a small, skinny man. Very pale and skinny with glasses and slicked-back hair that made him look even dorkier. Andrew hated him. He was annoying and smug at work. He had also taken a promotion from Andrew, which he was still bitter about.
“I’m not bad, Andrew. I decided I needed to get into better shape, so I have just joined today,” replied Mark. “How are you?”
Andrew smiled. Normally he would get changed far from anyone else just to be safe, but he was sure his underwear concealed the socks well. Mark was self-conscious about his frail body. Andrew looked forward to stripping down his pants and showing what a real man’s body looked like.
“Yeah, I’m doing good, just been lifting weights,” said Andrew as he peeled off his t-shirt to reveal his muscular torso and sexy chest hair.
Mark began to strip off too. He removed his shirt to reveal a torse with almost no definition and no hair. The only thing that populated it was two slightly oversized, pale pink nipples. He smiled, seeing Mark’s complete lack of body hair compared to his.
“Well, I can see you’re very strong,” said Mark. “Maybe one day I’ll be as big as you.”
“Seems like that might be a bit tricky for someone as small as yourself,” said Andrew taking off his shorts to reveal his prominent bulge between two thick thighs.
Mark looked at Andrew’s crotch and smirked. “Well, sometimes small guys can still find a way to look big.”
Andrew frowned with confusion, then looked down where Mark was looking. His heart sank, and his cheeks flushed red. Half the rolled-up sock was sticking out from his underwear, making it very clear he had stuffed.
Andrew felt embarrassment rise in him. He was humiliated in front of someone so weak and pathetic.
“That’s, um… That’s… That’s not what it looks like,” he mumbled, trying desperately to think of something.
Mark looked Andrew in the eye and beamed. “Sure, it’s not.”
Then in one quick and fluid movement. Mark reached out, grabbed the end of the sock, and yanked them free from Andrew’s pants. The briefs flattened, revealing Andrew’s lack of a bulge. He went from sexy hunk to sexless Ken doll.
Andrew’s cheeks flushed red, and he looked down at the ground in shame. His secret had been discovered – and by the guy, he hated most. In a second, he had gone from feeling like a King to a pathetic loser.
“Nothing to say then?” smirked Mark. “Well then, guess I’ll take the lead. Take your pants off.”
“No,” whispered Andrew. It was all he could muster. “Please, no.”
“Oh, Andy. I’ve been tired of your shit for months. Acting the man of the office when you’re terrible at your job. And you’re incredibly lazy. Given how pathetic you are, it makes sense you’d have such a pathetic bulge. Now, I promise I’ll keep this our little secret, but first, you need to show me your tiny, tiny dick.”
Andrew stood there, too stunned to say anything. He glanced around the changing rooms to see if anyone noticed their conversation. Everyone was too busy focused on their own thing to notice them.
Andrew took a deep breath and lowered his briefs. His little nub had shriveled up even smaller than usual out of embarrassment. It looked like just a little protrusion of skin. His balls were almost flat against his body. It looked comical in between his two muscular thighs.
Mark grinned ear to ear. “Oh, that’s hilarious. That’s brilliant. I’ve seen clits bigger than that.”
“Please, you’ve had your fun. Can I cover up, please?” whispered Andrew.
He was paranoid that someone would look over and see him.
“Oh, but you look pretty sweaty from your workout. I think before you get dressed, you should use the showers”.
Till now, no one had looked their way, and Andrew’s teensy secret had remained between him and Mark. But the showers were open and communal. It would be impossible not to be revealed while in there.
“Mark, please!” pleaded Andrew. “Don’t make me do this!”
Mark smiled and turned back to his locker. For a brief second, Andrew thought he would be let free. Then, in a flash, Mark spun back around, holding his phone. Before Andrew could do anything, he snapped a picture. Mark didn’t even need to say the threat. Andrew knew from that smirk what would happen to that picture if he didn’t go to the showers.
“I didn’t even bring a towel,” he said.
“Don’t worry. I have one you can use. I’ll give it to you as you come out.”
Having no choice, Andrew turned, stark naked, micropenis on display, and walked across the changing room towards the showers. He knew better than even to try covering up. He accepted his fate.
As he made his way there, he saw some of the guys glance his way, double-take, and then smirk. A few were also in the process of changing, and Andrew could see how his dick sized up to theirs. Even some of the smaller cock guys in their flaccid post-workout state still out-classed Andrew when he was hard.
Andrew entered the shower. There were two other guys there. An older guy with a girthy but wrinkled cock and a guy close to Andrew’s age. He had a bit of a belly, but his cock hung about six inches flaccid with balls that hung low. When they saw Andrew, they both openly laughed.
“Bit cold in here, isn’t it?” said the older guy. “I was embarrassed by how much mine had shrunk, but I guess there was no need!”
Andrew didn’t even know how to respond. Instead, he just avoided eye contact and turned on the shower. As the water hit him, Mark entered the shower room. Andrew gasped. Hanging between Mark’s legs was a massive cock. It swung back and forth as he walked. It had such a weight to it. At least eight inches long and thick enough that you would struggle to wrap your hand around it.
“Do you still think you’re the big man at the office, Andrew?”
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.