Shrinking Jack

By ForbiddenTales.

Angela and I were both 22, in college, and she was by far the prettiest girl I’d ever dated. She was a little taller than me, at 5’10”, with long, straight black hair she tied in pigtails and a pair of E-cup tits she had no qualms about showing off. She was, as she liked to tease me, my ‘big titty goth gf.’ However, like all my previous girlfriends, she had not taken my virginity. I couldn’t wholly blame her: I was extremely anxious about my size, and rarely, if ever, tried to instigate actual sex, though the few times I had, she’d said she wasn’t in the mood. I’d been a little surprised when she asked me out: she had a reputation as something of a size queen, and my reputation as tragically underhung preceded me.

Our sex life wasn’t dead, though: I gave her oral often or used toys on her, and she sometimes reciprocated with hand jobs. We agreed to an open relationship when we began dating, but I’d asked not to be given any details about the guys she was seeing. I knew my insecurity issues would get the better of me. Whenever she said she had a date, I pretended it was with another woman. I still had yet to take advantage of our openness. To be blunt, I was scared of girls and died a little inside whenever I asked for a date. A ‘yes’ was almost worse than a ‘no’. So many women had gotten me into the bedroom only to change their minds at the last minute. The good endings were situations like I had with Angela – girls who pretended my dick was just an ornament but let me pleasure them in other ways.

It perhaps said something about my self-esteem that I felt I was coming out ahead in this arrangement. Still at 22, with my 23rd birthday a few months away, I became self-conscious about more than just my size. It was embarrassing to still be a virgin at my age, and I felt like if I could just lose my v-card, I’d maybe gain the confidence to use my admittedly undersized member as well as possible and begin having a ‘normal’ sex life. So I asked Angela for a special birthday present.

A week later, she told me to join her on the bed. Before sitting down, she shrugged her monochrome dress off her shoulders so she was in nothing but her bra and panties and told me to strip down to my underwear, too. She undid the button on my boxers and let my stubby member poke out the front. Then she reached into the bedside drawer and withdrew a toy – a hyper-realistic, dark brown dildo with a suction cup and balls. It was, she would inform me shortly, exactly 7.4″ long.

She put her hand on my dick and stroked my hardening penis. “This is James,” she explained. “I’ll leave it up to your imagination whether he’s one of my current non-nesting partners or an ex. He made this for me when he had to leave town for a month. It’s a replica of his cock. Now, James isn’t the smallest guy I ever fucked – I’d say I went maybe half an inch smaller on occasion – but he was below average for me.” She held the dildo next to my meager member. It wasn’t quite twice the size – I knew from obsessive measuring, that I was 4.3″ in length – but it was close enough to be humbling. Doubly so when I knew this man was on the small side for her.

“I’m not a total size queen. This dick was plenty for me. Even the slightly smaller ones were enough. But this,” she flicked the tip of my tiny dick meanly, “isn’t. So, no, I won’t be fucking you for your birthday. That’s called pity pussy, letting a guy fuck you just because you feel bad for him, and it’s anti-feminist.”

My face was bright red, and my dick was embarrassingly, drippingly hard, but I just looked at my knees and said nothing.

“I have two rules about the guys I fuck. First, they have to be at least seven inches. Second,” she paused and licked her lips for effect, “they have to be black. There’s a reason I started dating you, Jack. I knew from talking to your exes that you had a tiny dick and a fetish for BBC cuckold porn. So, I honestly never expected you to ask me for sex. But when you did, I realized something. Stupid bitch that I am, I’ve fallen in love with you. So for you, and only you, and maybe only once, I would break one of my rules and fuck a whiteboy. But you are, still, far too small.” She was edging my dick incredibly slowly and carefully, but I still nearly came when she said this “So… we have a few options. I did consider setting you up with a friend who does pity pussy, calling in a favor, or even hiring a call girl to fulfill your birthday fantasy. But then I realized: I rather like you being my babydicked virgin cuck. So if anyone’s going to take your cherry, it will be me. Which leaves us with option 2.”

She returned to the drawer and removed two more objects: a large, black bottle with a squirty top and a chastity cage. “I know I don’t need to tell you what this is,” she said, referring to the chastity cage. “It will be a little snug initially, but that will change quickly. I’ve bought a dozen or so smaller sizes to accommodate you as you progress.” My brow furrowed, and she smiled evilly, holding up the black bottle. “This is X-284 or, to give it its working commercial title, Shringrow. It is fully tested as human safe but several years away from saleability due to several legal and, primarily, marketing hurdles. My friend Alexis, who works for Pharmatrix, arranged to let me have this, provided I report the results. Which should, hopefully, be you growing a dick I find much more appealing in size.”

Angela handed me a lengthy document – some 78 pages of single-spaced, 10-point font – titled ‘X-284, Recommended Usage, and Liability Waiver’. I began flicking through. Much of what I scanned was indecipherable legalese, alongside confusing graphs of predicted size-alteration rates based on factors that included ‘total percentage loss,’ ‘frequency of non-sexual libidinal climax,’ ’emasculation rate,’ and ‘final proportion.’ I was not a STEM student, but the resulting mess of data points seemed impossibly baffling.

“I’ll simplify it. We rub this on your dick – about 1/10 times you jerk off,” she pointed to a section in the document that said ‘on average, 10% of the interactions’ “then every time you cum, your dick gets smaller. We can keep doing this for anywhere between a couple of months and half a year before your body becomes immune to the effect, or we can stop earlier if we’ve got the desired results. Then, and I’m oversimplifying here, however much you’ve lost, you gain double that. So, suppose we shrank your dick by half. In that case, you’d grow one 150% as big, give or take.” She flicked to a worked example in the document, where an individual had gone from 5″ down to 4.5, then back up to 5.4″ “It’s not exact – and it usually tends to be a little less than the full doubling – so it’s worth maximizing the initial shrinkage to make it worthwhile. This is one of the big marketability problems. It takes a lot of time, for much of which the guy has a smaller dick. The individual in the example took over a year to gain half an inch. But that’s mostly because he was extremely reluctant to stick with the program and slowed his progress massively.”

I was starting to sense a catch, but Angela began explaining before I needed to ask.

“The shrinkage happens because of the decreased testosterone rate post orgasm. The T-rate only goes down after certain kinds of orgasm – it will increase after normal sex, for example, but generally dips after masturbation. But this, again, depends on several factors. The masturbatory t-drop rate can be low, or the levels can even increase on occasion. To get consistent, reliable T-drop post orgasm, it has to… well, in layman’s terms, it has to be humiliating. Humbling. It has to remind the boy jerking off that he had to do that because he failed to get pussy.”

This was the ’emasculation rate’ referenced in the text.

“Most guys who want bigger dicks can’t handle shrinking till they’re unfuckably small. Can’t handle being treated the way I am going to treat you. Not consistently. Not long enough for really impressive shrinkage and, therefore, growth rates. And that’s the only way they’re going to sell this stuff – the only way they can convince guys it’s worth spending months or more as sissy-assed, tiny dicked bitches is if you can promise them they’ll be hung like gods afterward. That’s why Alexis let me have this stuff to use on you. Because you will take that treatment, I think you will. There is always option 3. I could just put this chastity cage on you without any Shringrow and keep you as my virgin bitch boi forever. But I think part of you would always wonder what a pussy felt like. What my pussy felt like. And, let’s be real, part of you wonders how good it will feel when I laugh uncontrollably at the shriveled little clit I’ve created between your legs.”

She turned to the final page of the document and handed me a pen.

The signer waives all legal rights to legal remedy in the case of adverse reactions to the product and affirms that he/she has fully understood this document’s implications.

Angela was still very slowly, very gently edging me. “The moment you sign, I can apply the cream. And then I can make you cum. The harder, the better.” She leaned close to my ear. “The way you want it. The way you’ve always secretly wanted it but have been too afraid to ask.”

My head swam, and I let my last sensible thoughts – of talking to a lawyer, to a doctor, of sleeping on it at least – fade into white noise as I watched myself sign “Jack Harford” and then initial a handful of paragraphs Anegla pointed to without even reading them.

“Good boy,” Angela whispered. Then she squirted a large dollop of the mysterious lotion into her hand and rubbed it all over my dick. It tingled in a strange, not entirely unpleasant way. A shudder went down my spine, and some of me knew my life would change.


To Be Continued…?


*AI has edited this story to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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