Our Readers SPH Experiences 219

By Our Readers

Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.


This reader is caught naked…

My girlfriend was having a friend over and stayed the night because we all drank a decent amount. We played strip card games, and I only lost my shirt, and they both lost everything except for their panties. Both she and my girlfriend were wearing these super sexy black thongs. It was very hot. So we all got up to start getting ready for bed. I was very turned on from seeing them both like that and went to our room and got completely naked, expecting my girlfriend to walk in behind me.

My girlfriend opened the door, and her best friend was behind her as she wanted a blanket. I stood right there with my little shaved peanut on full display. They both started laughing.

I said, “I couldn’t let you guys have all the naked fun, could I?”

They kept laughing at it. My girlfriend’s best friend told my girl, “You told me it was small, but I didn’t think it was THAT small,” and walked away laughing.


Another reader enjoys exposing a little dick friend…

I was at a little get-together at a friend’s house. It was him, me, and three girls. My friend has a pull-up bar in his basement, so we were messing around. I did some pull-ups, and the three girls were impressed. It made my friend jealous, so he tried to get at me. As I was still hanging, he came up, pantsed me, and got my underwear too. I was hanging with my penis out. Thankfully, I was having a good day, and I was hanging at about five inches, and the girls were impressed, which made it even worse for my friend.

So I called him out and said, “If you wanted to see a real dick so bad, you could’ve asked.” The girls laughed.

He said, “I have a real dick too.”

“Prove it.”

“I don’t wanna,” he said.

So the girls were egging him on and teasing him, saying he must be hiding a shorty then, and he kept denying it. As he stood before them trying to defuse it, I came behind, pantsed him too, and grabbed his pants and underwear from beneath him. He stood there, and I couldn’t believe it, but his ‘penis was about one-inch, unshaven, and soft. The four of us couldn’t stop laughing, and he kept saying it was cold.

I pulled my pants down again and said, “I don’t think the cold is to blame, little guy,” as I pointed at my bigger package, and the girls erupted in laughter.

To make matters worse, I held up his underwear, and he wore power ranger undies like a kid!

I said, “Little boy underwear to hold a little boy-sized dick, I guess.”

The girls could not stop laughing at this pathetic penis.

He told us he had no other clean underwear, so he used that, figuring no one would see it. He kept going that it gets bigger, so we said prove it, and he started massaging it between two fingers, and we all kept laughing as it got to a silver member hard. He kept trying to make it bigger and eventually came before us.

One of the girls said, “I can’t believe anything comes out of that tiny thing,” as he stood there oozing from his now one-inch soft penis.


Meanwhile, this reader’s little soldier just wasn’t up to it…

I’m 26 and male. I’m a silver member of the small dick club, and that’s bone pressed. I’ve been dating a girl (Gina) for a while, and we usually do oral, but we decided to go all the way. I couldn’t get fully hard for some reason, so I was more like a gold member that night. I try to start gently, and she says, “Don’t worry about me. I’ve had way bigger before.”

That turned me on, so I stuck it in and started to thrust. Gina did not moan or anything and, after a few seconds, said, “Stick it in properly before you thrust.”

Gina couldn’t even feel me. I told her I was in all the way, and she made a face of shock and embarrassment. Gina said nothing, and I continued fucking her until I came a few seconds later. Since I didn’t last very long (maybe 1 minute at most), I ate her out after, and she was happy. We didn’t talk about my dick or the sex at all after that.


While this female reader has a fun night with three guys…

Recently, I was at a club with two other friends. We noticed this group of three guys looking at us and walking up to them. They were flirting and buying us drinks and all that good stuff. They were typical frat guys early 20s and pretty buff. After about an hour, my friends wanted to leave, but I told them I was going to have some fun with these guys.

When it was just the guys and me, they asked me if I wanted to return to their apartment. I didn’t want to do that, so I suggested we go to the beach. They were down, so we walked to the beach near us. It was about two AM, so no one was on the beach. They asked what I wanted to do.

I said, “I have an idea. I want you all to strip fully naked, and I would compare your sizes. The biggest cock gets to fuck me on the beach. The middle one gets to watch, and the smallest has to go skinny dipping until we’re finished.”

All three immediately said, “Well, I’m probably gonna be the smallest,” and that’s when I knew this would be interesting.

They were nervous about getting naked in public, but no one was there, so they agreed. They all got down to their underwear and couldn’t stop laughing. Guy #1 had tight blue Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Guy #2 had some Hanes plaid boxers, and Guy #3 had cute Ethika compression shorts. Since their underwear was tight, I could already tell #1, and #3 had no bulge. I told them to go one at a time so that I could get a good look.

Guy #1 slowly pulled down his underwear, and as soon as they were off, he covered up his penis with his hands. I told him to uncover, and he hesitantly took his hands off, exposing his one-inch soft dick, completely shaven. His friends laughed, and he couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

I told Guy #2 it was his turn, and he quickly took his off and said, “I don’t feel that bad about mine anymore.”

His was about two inches, and he had a full bush of pubes. Finally, Guy #3 pulls his underwear off, and it’s about the same size as Guy #1. Guy #2 starts jumping up and down because he will be the one to fuck me. I tell #1 and #3 that I can’t tell the difference, so they will have to come closer so I can compare. I put them both in my hand and decided that #3 was smaller by about 1/4 inch.

Now they have their assignments. I start touching #2’s dick, and it’s getting hard. I tell #3 to run into the water, and #1 sits down to watch. I strip naked as well, and they all stare at my body. When #2 is hard, I take him in my mouth. I see #1 is rock hard watching us, a silver member of the small dick club. We lay down on the sand, and #2 starts fucking me. He only lasted a couple of minutes, but It was pretty hot. (He was average-sized hard).

I told them we would join #3 in the ocean when we were done. #1 gets up, still fully hard, and we run to the water together.

When we get in the water, #3 tells us that he’s even smaller now because of the water. Honestly, I can’t wait until he gets out of the water so I can see it. While hanging out in the ocean, #2 started teasing his two friends about their little dicks and bragging that he got to have sex with me. He said, “Damn, I thought I was small, but you guys are fucking TINY,”

After about ten minutes, we get out, and I make them all stand there so I can look. #1 is down to about 1/2 inch. When I see #2, I comment that he’s the size #3 was before he went in the water, and we all laugh, but when I see #3’s, my jaw drops because his has fully disappeared. It’s just a head, and I can’t stop laughing. He doesn’t even bother covering up. He’s just bravely showing it.

He starts to get hard when I’m laughing, which makes us all laugh more. His gold member hard dick bounces around as we return to our clothes. Also, he’s 6 foot 2 and ripped, so it looks even smaller on his body. We all got our clothes back on and discussed how fun it was.

Guy #2 gives me his number and tells me to call him so we can fuck again, but I tell him I’m not interested. As the guys start to leave, I pull #3 to the side and sneakily give him my number. I tell him that I want a chance to fuck his tiny penis. He texted me that night, so we’re trying to figure out when to meet.


This reader cuckolds his friend…

One year ago, I went on a holiday with two other friends. One night both friends went out, but I stayed at the apartment because I was tired. When they came back, I heard them going to their rooms. I wanted to know how the night out was. I stayed awake and watched Netflix. But I always walk naked in the apartment because I like it and am used to it. My friends don’t mind, so it is not an issue. So I went to my friend’s room, knocked, and opened the door. I saw a girl jerking off my friend standing before the bed, two feet from me.

I said, “Ohh, sorry, my bad.”

But the girl walked over to me and said, “Holy shit, your dick is huge. It’s already much bigger than his dick, and yours is soft, and he is hard.”

I looked over to my friend, whose cock was a bronze member of the small dick club hard.

“Go stand next to each other,” the girl said. “Oh shit, you’re so much bigger,” she said, jerking my dick.

Now my dick started to grow. When I was fully hard, she said, “Oh my God, now you dwarf his little dick.”

I am nine inches hard.

After that, I fucked her hard and let my friend watch and jerk off like a complete cuckold. I felt bad for my friend, but he did not say much about it later. It all happened fast.


Another reader has a fun night…

I was with a few friends hanging out and drinking. We then decided to play a strip card game. Everyone was equal, and then we were all in our underwear. Then I lost my final round and had to be the first to get naked. As everyone cheered me on, I stood up, dropped my underwear around my ankles, and stood back up. Everyone took a look and then started laughing as I revealed my roughly two-inch, completely shaven little soft guy. I was a little too drunk to care and took it and played along, and when I sat down, it looked even smaller, which got them laughing even more. I stayed naked the rest of the night as someone hid my clothes; others got naked or stayed in their underwear. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only man with a small member, and the girls had a field day making fun of our tiny penises.


Meanwhile, this reader gets to flash a hot girl…

My buddy’s girl (Jasmine) used our hotel shower in our room one day when he took too long. I showed her where it was, and she turned it on and shut the door. Assuming she’ll be there for ages, I stripped off and walked about naked on the balcony and around my room. I’m only two inches soft. I had not realized she didn’t grab a towel off the bed before entering the bathroom. I’ll never forget her walking out in a bikini top, seeing me nude as she went to grab a towel, her eyes going wide, and then her face red as she saw me standing on the balcony fully naked; I attempted to cover up, but it was too late.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just wanted to grab a towel,” Jasmine said, never taking her eyes off my small soft dick. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your tiny dick,” she exclaimed before returning to the bathroom to shower.

The irony was I loved her staring at my little dick.


While this reader gets a stinger…

Picked up a thistle or a burr in my foot a few days back, just behind the ball of one toe. I’m always naked at home, and I had my foot crossed up, magnifiers on my head & tweezers trying to find the burr.

“What is it?” Mrs. asked as she returned to the lounge.

Looking for a reaction, I answered slowly and spaced words while focused on the toe, “I’ve…got…a…tiny…prick.”

Got an instant witty comeback with, “You sure have.”

It was the comeback I was looking for, but I replied with, “Not that, I’ve got a burr or something in my toe.”

A few moments later, I presented the burr in the Tweezer. My Wife steadied my hand while taking a mocked studious look, then cast her eyes down for a similar gesture toward my dick, then back up for eye contact.

Then she said, “Yes, it definitely is a tiny prick.”


This reader gets his ‘down under’ humiliated by his friends…

I finally hung out with my friend Angus again the other day. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve seen him, and he wanted to go to the beach while he was in Australia visiting, so off we went, and no sooner had we arrived than I realized that I had forgotten my ‘togs’ (Togs is Australian slang for bathers/swimming trunks).

Angus is a great bloke, never one to get frustrated or impatient, so he just accepted it, and we stopped off at the shopping center for me to get something to swim in. That’s where things started to get awkward because my card was declined at the first store we went to, and we had to go somewhere a little cheaper. The beach was lovely when we finally got there, but sadly this story isn’t about the beach. Things got awkward again when we got home. I headed straight for the shower while Angus went to the toilet.

I got stripped off, chucked my wet clothes in the sink, and then I heard Angus shout outside the door, “Hey, Logan, can I use your shower?”

For a moment, I was confused. Why was Angus shouting, yes, of course, he could use it after I was done? Then I realized he must have thought I went back outside to unpack the car. I also realized I had forgotten to lock the door, but only after it swung open Angus started laughing hysterically.

“Dude, where’s your dick?” he scream-laughed at me.

I panicked, rushed to cover my hands with my crotch, and started giving desperate excuses, but every time I explained, he made a joke.

Angus: “Were you born a girl?”

Me: “I’m as big of a man as anyone.”

Angus: “I’ve seen sewing needles that are bigger men than you.”

Me: “It’s bigger than a sewing needle. It’s just buried under the fat.”

I stopped putting my hands in front of something he’d already seen and lifted my fat pad to show him what he hadn’t seen. He just laughed even harder.

“Look, Angus. It’s there. It’s in there! Just look,” I cried.

“So much for what they say about black guys, haha! I’ve seen light switches bigger than that and more useful,” Angus retorted.

Eventually, he stopped making jokes, but later, Jack and Chris came over, and we had a shit tonne of rum. I was in the kitchen grabbing a glass of water when Angus whispered something to Jack about pushing my black buttons. I got back to the dining room table, thinking I was in for a round of racist jokes, and the last thing I heard before it happened was Angus shouting, “Go!”

Chris grabbed me from behind. Angus pulled down my pants, and they all lost their shit.

“Hello, little black button,” laughed Jack and poked me. “Beep-Boop.”

I wanted them to stop, but Jack kept poking me and playing with my nipples until I got hard, then he got his phone out, and I knew what he was going to do, and I was so humiliated I burst into tears.

“Cut it out, dude!” I said. “This has gone beyond a joke.”

But he just kept taking photos. He sent them to everyone we know. I don’t know how to be in public around people anymore.


Another reader can’t hide his small package…

I was on my high school swimming team for all four years, and this is where my SPH kink originated. I was always aware I was unimpressive flaccid, but it didn’t truly dawn on me I had a small dick until I heard about it from a chick.

We wore speedos during practice and competition, and our practices were at the same time as the girls’ team and our meets. It resulted in us becoming very social class to class among the male and female swimmers.

I was always self-conscious in the Speedos, but for the most part, I could obscure my sad bulge or fluff it a bit, so it wasn’t a major issue. As a freshman, I was also one of the faster swimmers on the team and eventually became a D-3 Swimmer, so I had other things going for me. I commanded an alpha position on the team eventually, but I was truly a beta.

One Saturday night during my junior year, the girls and guys from my class were drinking and hanging out at a girls’ house. As the night went on and the crowd gradually dwindled, it was only me, a girl I will call Natalie who had a thing for me (I did not reciprocate), and Josie (the host and Natalie’s best friend).

Josie leaves the room, saying she wants to eat some leftover pizza in the kitchen, and it is just Natalie and me on a couch in the basement. We are talking, and I’m trying to find a way out and to go home, but I suddenly feel a hand slowly massaging my inner thigh and moving towards the goods. At this point, I’m a very drunk, horny teen and go in for the kiss, and we got at it. Natalie blows my bronze member’s hard dick, and I finger her and give her some head. I then called her an Uber and walked home. Josie was a neighbor, so I lived very close by. I went to sleep that night feeling like a million bucks.

The following Monday afternoon at practice, I talked to two girls before we got into the pool. Everything was very normal until Natalie came over. She asked me how I was doing, and after I responded, she looked down towards my little bulge, went like this 🤏 and said, “And how is little Alex doing?”

The two other chicks started giggling, and I was mortified. I just walked away and went into the pool. I felt embarrassed, but when I got home and thought about it, I was rock-hard playing it back in my mind. I was outed to many of the girls in a minor way. This new kink became a blessing and a curse for me. I could get off to it, but I began to develop jealousy toward my teammates, who proudly paraded around their big packages inside the locker room and their Speedos. I always used to ponder trading in my swimming ability for one of my teammate’s big cock and balls.

Ultimately, the embarrassment became a big motivator for me to succeed in the pool and the classroom. Funny enough, by senior year, I was dating one of the girls present for the ‘little Alex comment,’ We sometimes still see each other during college breaks.

*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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