Our Readers SPH Experiences 304
By Our Readers

This reader learned that sex doesn’t have to be bad if you’re small…
In my mid-20s, after college (and after my other stories), I was living alone in the more busy part of town, going out and doing stuff as one does in their 20s. I was also on Bumble then, swiping often and not getting many matches. I’d had one or two dates, never amounting to more than one date or even a one-night stand. Eventually, I matched with a girl, Samantha or Sam. Sam was cute, wore glasses, shoulder length brown hair, and Caucasian descent.
We hit it off over the Bumble chat and agreed to meet at a local BBQ spot. Overall, the first date was a great time! She was great to talk to, cute, and funny! I think we sat for like 3 hours. She was also TALL. Her profile said 5’11”, but she later confirmed that she was 6’1″, but put 5’11” so she didn’t get filtered out. I loved the height either way, to be honest (I’m only 5’10”).
Fast-forward to our third date. She invited me to her place for dinner and a movie. She cooked the whole meal impressively, but we both knew what the night was for. After dinner, we sat on the couch and started to make out. I admitted to her that I hadn’t been with anyone sexually in almost 4 years since college. She said not a problem. She’d take the reigns a bit. After making out on the couch, she grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her bedroom, revealing a full/double bed with mostly hippie-style colors and decor.
She stood between me and the bed, looking down at me (which I found SOOO hot). “Strip,” she commanded.
I started to take off my clothes, as she also did. She was quicker than I, as she was only wearing a dress. She revealed her bra and panties set and sat on the edge of the bed.
I was a little nervous as I removed my pants and shirt, leaving my underwear. I stood in front of Sam, my tiny dick making somewhat of a tent. She reached forward and slowly pulled down my underwear, my Bronze Member hard-on springing out.
“Ah, dang,” I heard her whisper to herself. She then grabbed my dick with one hand, unable to put another one on.
“Is it OK?” I asked.
I was nervous; this was my first time in 4 years, but I also observed her reaction. She didn’t seem excited, more disappointed. I could tell by the way she looked at it in her hand.
“Honestly, I was hoping you’d be bigger.”
I was floored. At the same time, my dick twitched a bit in her hand.
“It’s OK, though, you can still fuck me! But I can tell I’m not going to be able to cum through sex. You’ll need to do some stuff afterward…”
I honestly didn’t even think of that second part of her last statement, but I was excited to get laid after 4 years! I reached down and pulled a condom from the jeans I was wearing that were on the floor. She released my dick, and I rolled the condom onto my dick. She crawled a bit back on her bed, removed her bra and panties, and was waiting for me. I crawled onto the bed and got into a missionary position, and slowly guided my dick into her.
Her pussy felt so good. Slowly, I eased my dick into her, she let out a very faint moan. Little did I know that was the last moan I’d hear with my dick in her. I started to slowly pump, feeling her insides with my very hard dick. I looked down at my dick and then looked at her—her eyes were just blank. She seemed to be getting negligible pleasure from this.
Being my first time in 4 years, I was pretty pent up and excited. I pumped into Sam for about 45 seconds before I came. I slowed down, releasing my load into the condom.
“Did you cum? That seemed quick,” she remarked.
She seemed to think I was just slowing down.
“I… Yeah, I did. Sorry,” I replied.
“No, that’s OK! I’m glad you did.” She was nice about it. “You still have to help me out, though. Can you finger me, then eat me out?”
I proceeded with both. I got Sam’s g-spot with my fingers, something I couldn’t get with my smaller dick, it seemed. I then ate her out, and she seemed to enjoy both. We fell asleep in the bed. Luckily, it was a weekend. I woke up to the feeling of my dick being played with. I thought this was a bit kinky, so I looked over to her.
“Having fun there?” I asked.
“Yeah, you’re just the smallest I’ve ever had, so I was curious. It’s kinda cute.”
She smiled at me. I fucked her again that morning and again had to finger and eat her out.
This started my first friend’s with benefits situation. Over the next month or so, I’d fuck her and then finger and eat her out, so she also came. It kind of worked out in the end for both of us. 🤷
Another reader learns the perils of binge drinking…
Let me preface this by saying that I don’t binge drink often, but when I do, I usually black out. A few months ago, my friends had a costume party that was a rager. I got a toga costume together last minute out of a bed sheet and called it good, but then we got to drinking.
The next morning, I woke up not remembering very much and went into the living room of my friend’s house. The first thing I heard was my friend James say, “Hey, little guy.”
That was odd because I’m 6’5, but I returned the greeting. Then I asked what happened during the party. And everyone busts up laughing. They showed me a photo of me standing in some Incredible Hulk briefs. I blushed and apologized, and they said my toga kept sliding off my shoulders and falling. Eventually, I gave up and walked around in my Hulk briefs for the rest of the night.
I thought it couldn’t get worse until my other friend, John, joked about me being the ‘Incredibly Small Hulk.’
I blushed and asked what he meant, and then James confessed that at one point, they couldn’t stop laughing at my tiny bulge, so he pantsed me out of my briefs. Someone pulled out their phone a showed a picture of me with my briefs at my ankles, and my dick looked like an acorn between my legs.
Immediately, everyone started talking about me having an inchworm down there. I turned bright red and said I was a grower.
Then big mouth John said he saw it when I got excited that night, and it only ‘grew’ to a Silver Member size. Everyone laughed harder, and I hurried and tried to sober up and go home. I think it’s going to be a while before I binge drink again.
Meanwhile, this reader had a bathroom incident…
I had a SPH experience with my mother-in-law. I had just showered and had a towel covering my head and eyes, drying my hair, when my mother-in-law came in the bathroom (she was staying with us for a week). I didn’t know she had come in and heard her say sorry, so I took the towel off my head to see her standing in front of me, looking right at my very small limp penis.
She said sorry again, then obviously couldn’t help laughing while still looking at my penis and said, “Oh, was the water cold in the shower? Your willy is very small, or is it always that small?”
I said, “No, it’s always this size.”
She laughed again and said, “Oh dear, you’ve got a tiny-little-willy then! My poor daughter.”
She looked down at it again and giggled then walked out. I was embarrassed, but I loved every second of it, knowing my mother-in-law now knew I had a really small dick.
While this reader bemoans life in the friendzone…
This happened almost three years ago, and it still haunts me. But first, we have to back up about six months before. I was 20 at the time. I was at a small party with my best friend, his girlfriend, and her friends. In walks one of her friends I’d never met before. As soon as I saw her, I fell in love with her.
Easily the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. And I’m not just saying that to make the story hotter. A 21 Hawaiian goddess with beautifully smooth, light tan skin, green eyes with naturally long lashes, cute nose, big lips, auburn blonde hair, gorgeous smile, skinny body with small perky boobs, and a bubble butt. I couldn’t stop staring at her, and I fantasized about making love to her until I had to go to the bathroom because I ejaculated in my pants without even touching my tiny throbbing dick.
The thing was, she was very attracted to me, too. I’m a virgin and pretty shy with girls, even more so at that time. Especially when I was looking at that goddess, she thought it was cute. I was shy and flirty the whole night, even though I didn’t say a word to her because I was terrified. She kept running her hands all over me and even pressed her boobs against my face at one point. Unfortunately, she had a boyfriend. I was crushed. She was flirting and having fun since she knew I was too shy to make a move on her. She loved making me squirm.
From then on, I was so in love with her, and anytime I would see her, I wouldn’t be able to say a word to her besides “Hey,” “Yeah,” “OK,” “Cool,” and “Bye.”
Regardless, she would constantly flirt with me, such as wrapping her arms around me, putting her head in my lap and even once at a party, backing me into a corner and dancing all over me. I was petrified, but it was the most action I’d ever gotten, especially from such a gorgeous girl that it would just cause me to melt. When we all hung out, she would never bring her boyfriend as he thought he was too cool for us. So this meant she was always all over me, trying to make me blush. She loved that I was obviously attracted to her but too shy to do anything about it.
A few months after I met her, she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her. They didn’t break up immediately. A few days after she got cheated on, she was at a party with my best friend’s girlfriend, and I was at a friend’s house with my best friend and a few others. I had seen videos of my crush at the party she was at on Snapchat, and she looked sexy that night. My best friend got a call from his girlfriend. I started eavesdropping in case it had anything to do with my crush-and it did! She was saying that she wanted to get revenge on her boyfriend and wanted to take my virginity. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I must be dreaming!
But then what happened next is what I still regret most. My best friend tells his girlfriend on the phone, “Nah, not tonight. I’m not even sure if he would want to.”
I was fuming. And I just sat there silent. To this day, not speaking up is my biggest regret in life. Seriously, this girl could be a supermodel. Anytime we’d be at a party, she’d attract a pool of guys, and if you brought her up, the first thing that someone would say was how attractive she was. My best friend hung up the phone, and I sat there in misery. I went from cloud 9 to the deepest depths of hell within a second.
We still hung out with her after that, and she would still constantly flirt with me the same way, but we never did have sex. My best friend then showed our other friend, who hadn’t met her, some pictures of her, and he went to her house a few weeks later and hooked up with her. That was the worst sting I had ever felt in my life before. But then it was surpassed.
So, my crush ended up getting a new boyfriend, and I was devastated even though I never had a shot with her cause I wouldn’t talk to her.
The only reason why I hadn’t dropped my best friend after he cock blocked me from the hottest girl I’d ever seen was I still wanted to have a way to see her, and I knew that to do that, I had to hang out with all of them. I was simping badly. This boyfriend she would bring to hang out with us was a douchebag. He was also over a foot taller than me. We were all hanging out in this girl’s living room. Unfortunately, I sat beside her boyfriend on the couch while my crush and best friend’s girlfriend sat across from us. Now I have to tell you about my best friend’s girlfriend.
She’s a major bitch. I’m not just saying that. Most people find her unpleasant and talk shit about her. She is the type of girl who’s unattractive and insecure about it, so she just constantly talks shit and makes fun of everyone else. And she can be downright cruel just to get a laugh. Unfortunately, a couple of years prior, I made the mistake one night while I was drunk to let my best friend film me dancing naked, shaking my dick. Unfortunately, I’m a Bronze Member when I’m rock hard but about an inch when I’m soft. I also have the girth of a quarter.
I was also in a freezing basement when this video was taken, so I was at full shrinkage. The video was just supposed to stay between us. He decided to show his girlfriend. Im on the couch sitting next to my crush’s alpha male boyfriend, and I still hear her telling my best friend’s girlfriend that she thinks I look cute. That’s when I heard my now ex-best friend girlfriend “whisper” to my crush:
“{best friend} showed me of video of {me} naked and he had the tiniest weenie!”
My crush didn’t say anything. She just sat there with a stone-straight face. Like she was just in shock. I sat on the couch with smoke coming out of my ears. I kept my head down and looked at my phone to hide my face since my cheeks started to feel warm. I wanted to stab my best friend, who was sitting 2 feet away from me. After about 2 minutes of sitting there in a stew of anger and agonizing humiliation, my crush gets up and goes to the other room.
Everyone else that was there was busy drinking and talking to each other, so they hadn’t overheard what was said about my lack of manhood, thank god. My best friend’s girlfriend exited the couch and followed my crush. They were gone for about 20 minutes, and to this day, it still drives me insane to know that they were making fun of my dick, and I have no idea what was said.
Even after what had happened, I still stuck with my best friend even though I hated his guts, just to see her again. I was just so obsessed with her. I saw her a few months later at a party, and she was still friendly when she said hello, but it was obvious that all the attraction was gone. She didn’t flirt with me once that night or try to get me to talk to her. Instead, I sat in the corner and watched her flirt with another guy.
To this day, not speaking up when she wanted to take my virginity haunts me. It would have been a dream; the hottest girl I’ve ever seen getting revenge on her cheating boyfriend by taking my v card. I can only imagine her in the sack if she was that friendly when flirting. She also frequently posted TikTok’s to songs with lyrics about being freaky in bed. She was kind but also very confident and I know she would have loved to take charge and taught me how to do anything. The way she was, she would want to blow my mind and make me never forget her (which I never will).
Seriously, this woman was a manic pixie dream girl come to life that looked like she had been designed in a lab to look perfect. And the thing was, when we were at parties she would never flirt the way she did before with me with other guys. Not even verbally. She sincerely wanted me, and it’s not just in my head.
Maybe if I had slept with her, she would have seen my hard dick and thought of it as average and been fine with it. But since my ex-best friend’s cruel girlfriend was the descriptor of my manhood, she has this image of a tic tac cut in half. I’ve drifted apart from my best friend at this point as his girlfriend and my crush aren’t friends anymore so there was no point for me to stick around. My best friend’s girlfriend took this as an insult and now hates me even more. They still have the video, too. I just know that there’s had to be more than one occasion where his girlfriend convinced him to show all her friends, and maybe even my crush saw the video sometime.
I’ll never know. All I know is that video is my tiny friend at its worst, and I look like a complete loser. I’ll never get over the fact that I blew what could’ve been the best night of my life. I could’ve felt my crush’s perfect juicy tight vagina, and we could’ve had a great night. Instead, the only memory she’ll have when she thinks of me is a baby dicked loser.
This reader’s hell week lasted all through college…
I didn’t know I was small until I got my first handjob. As a college freshman, I was flirting with a very attractive girl at a party. After a little while, she led me to a room and started to take down my pants. My dick was already rock hard, and it popped out of my pants and stood there erect. I’m a Silver Member of the small dick club. She immediately started giggling and asked if that was as big as it got. That’s when it hit me that I was small. She still jerked me off. I came in less than a minute, and then she got up and left.
I could see her talking to her friends. They were asking why it was so quick. I could see her do 🤏🏻, and then they all started laughing. I left the party immediately because I was super embarrassed. I still saw her and her friends around randomly, and they would giggle and point. It was hell.
Another gay reader hooked up with a small guy…
This happened to me recently, and it was so awkward. I went to this guy’s house, not expecting to hook up, but the vibe was right, so we started fooling around. I tried to feel if he was big, but it didn’t feel like much in his pants. Curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to see it with my own eyes. So, I got on my knees and pulled down his pants. I looked back up at him, and he said, “Is it big enough or too small?”
I was so caught off guard by the size that he asked that. I just blinked in complete shock. I was at a complete loss for words, which is rare. It was so small, and he knew it. I think he wanted me to tell him.
Meanwhile, this reader has a tiny soft dick and his wife is always surprised by it…
I was cleaning the house, and some horny thought inspired me to take off my boxers. If my wife gave me crap, I could just say I’m getting ready to shower, which was true. So anyway, I was vacuuming naked, and she took a look at me and then gave me this knowing look. Then I get done vacuuming and we are just talking. She’s about to leave to do errands, but before she does, she looks at my crotch and says, “Why is it like that?”
I played it off like nothing. “Like what? It’s normal…”
“No, it’s like…inverted…”
I still play it off normally and say nothing more about my state. But the state of my dick was changing. It was getting harder.
“No way, you must’ve done something to it. You stuck your penis up inside your body, didn’t you?” my wife asked.
My penis was still growing as I was doing my best to act cool. The humiliation affected me, so maybe this could be good.
“You must’ve done that,” she accused.
“No, it’s just cold,” I say, pointing to the thermostat and coming up with a different excuse now.
She gives me another knowing look with her eyebrows raised. I fluff my growing erection to showcase a barely hanging, passable small soft cock.
“Yeah, so this is how it normally looks,” I said, half erect and lying my ass off.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she said, rolling her eyes,
For the rest of our conversation until the time she left, I had to constantly fluff my dick to hopefully keep up some imaginary illusion I’m not a micropenis man. Although I’m pretty sure I was back to my usual tiny soft size by the end of our conversation. She was kind enough not to say anything. Maybe she believed my story about the cold, but I am unsure. I have come out of hot showers before with the smallest soft dick ever. She had asked before why my penis looked a certain way. I always played it off. I wonder if she will ever realize I do have a tiny soft dick.
*These SPH experiences have been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the stories have remained the same. Erect dick sizes have been edited to be either Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Average. The opinions/views expressed in these SPH experiences (and in any comments) are those of the authors and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. Some of these “confessions” have been taken from Reddit.