True Stories: Pissing with a Small Penis
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Men Discuss the trials and tribulations of urinating/pissing with a small dick.
TinyUK says:
I have a tiny dick. It’s so small that sometimes if I have a pee in the urinals I pee on my balls. Today i was working outside in the country and I needed to pee badly. I went into the woods and pulled my trousers and pants down. I knew I would pee on my balls if I stood up so I crouched down like a girl and pissed. It was so good. No pee on my balls. I will be doing this from now on me thinks. – TinyUK
SmallyVA agrees:
My wife will only let me pee sitting down . I am used to it now – SmallyVA
Sissyman can’t find it:
I still urinate standing up although sometimes it’s a pain having to pull the fly open and search for my tiny nub especially when I really need to pee. So I just pull the front of my underwear to one side and let it sneak out that way. I am alternately frightened and aroused by the thought that the man in the urinal next to me will glance over and notice that I’m guiding my dainty stream of tinkle into the basin by holding a thimble of flesh between thumb and forefinger while he wrangles a gusher through his fire hose. – Sissyman
mini_member is embarrassed at urinals:
I’m also a bit self-conscious, I try to pick an end urinal & turn away slightly from people if I can. – mini_member
Norcoguy does it at work:
I have a problem, because of my small penis, when I stand up to pee, I often wet my trousers as my penis is too small to reach over my fly of my trousers. This is very embarrassing for me as it often happens at work – Norcoguy
littleguy prefers to piss like a girl:
Although if I have the choice, I’ll always sit down, far less messy but still sometimes it can be hard to aim right & can still pee between the little gap between the toilet & the seat, frustrates me a lot. – littleguy
hippopyed hates having to piss at the Football:
Football stadiums are known to have open troughs & fountain type urinals. Imagine how your little guy feels standing in a circular fountain urinal surrounded by men with huge cocks pissing into the urinal with your little guy in a complete state of mortification. – hippopyed
Microman gets it on his pants:
I have the same problem only mine is so small I usually pee on my pants. So I sit down like a girl. – Microman
dicklette has trouble with toilet seats:
I have more trouble sitting down! When I stand up I’m able to “stretch it out” in a few seconds so as to pee cleanly into the toilet. When seated it is often so small that I can’t aim it downwards. It then sometimes shoots the stream in the space between the seat and the bowl. – dicklette
cuckold66 sits down too:
I always piss sitting down…better that way with the little dick clit that I have. – cuckold66
cuckyman coats his balls often:
I usually pee standing up and I almost always pee on my balls and leak all over my boxers and pants even after shaking it real good. when I do sit down and pee I still sometimes I pee all over my balls. – cuckyman
litlebigman needs to drop em:
Except when using public urinals I almost always pull my pants down when I pee because my tiny penis is too difficult to pull clear of my trouser fly (I only use my thumb and forefinger to hold it). If I have been swimming, exposed to cold, or any of the other things that cause shrinkage; my penis is so small it is almost impossible to pee without pulling my pants completely down – litlebigman
smallerthanaverage has piss running down his legs:
My dick is so small that at times when I do have to pee I cant find it on time and I end up pissing in my hand and down my leg. My wife love’s this and makes it a point to tell everybody around us as she laughs about how I pissed myself. – smallerthanaverage
Small-cuck fills his shoes:
I squat to pee myself as I got tired of wetting my shoes. lol. – Small-cuck
uncutcocklette reveals being uncut doesn’t help:
As a very young child I was always taught to have a wee-wee sitting down on the toilet as I was brought up by just my mum its kind of stuck and to this day I still sit down to do a wee. And if I’m running or cycling in the countryside and even more if its cold being small when flaccid I will also do a girly pulling my sports pants and under pants down and squat down there again was shown by my mum to do this! I don’t like urinals if I tend to wee everywhere! Being uncut I was also never taught to pull my foreskin back while peeing so I do a really splashy uncontrolled stream! – uncutcocklette
wetjocks confesses he may need a nappy:
The only problem I have, is after I pee, I dribble a little in my pants/underwear. – wetjocks
smallboy also pisses his pants it seems:
When I pee must get real close to the toilet or urinal otherwise it goes everywhere.The other day my wife and I went out to eat when done went to use toilet and didn’t realised my small dick wasn’t all out and I pissed all over my pants. My wife has a stronger stream than me. Good thing it was hot day so it dried off quickly – smallboy
Mr Small can piss his pants even when sitting on the toilet:
I can pee standing up or sitting down OK but like all you guys I piss myself more often than not. I especially hate it when it gets on my pants and then runs down my leg. Peeing sitting down I have found if I don’t point it down I piss between the gap in the seat. Several times I have pissed in a toilet somewhere to pull up pants and find that piss has run between the seat, down the front of the toilet and onto my pants on the floor. I mean you can’t win sometimes can you! – Mr Small
pitifulPP straddles the toilet but it doesn’t help:
I have a problem, because of my small penis, when I stand up to pee, I often wet my trousers as my penis is too small to reach over my fly of my trousers. This is very embarrassing for me as it often happens at work My tiny micro penis is an inny when soft; so I can’t use a urinal. If I try I wet all over my pants; because I can’t get the little guy out past my zipper. I always use a stall and hopefully it has a door. I pee standing ,but I have to pull my pants all the way down. I then straddle the toilet because I can’t aim and actually pee straight down. – pitifulPP
babydik finds giving urine samples a real pain:
Whenever I’m asked to give a urine sample I have a real problem because of the size of my penis. When my penis is flaccid it’s completely hidden inside my body. I have trouble washing the glans because I have to pull it out. I can’t hold the cup and pull my penis out of my body at the same time. So I end up peeing on my balls before the pee reaches the cup.- babydik
shrimpdick has the last word:
Standing to pee when you’re as small as I am is difficult. I’m only an inch or so long when soft, so I have to make sure I pull my little nub out as far as possible when I piss. I also have to make sure that the open fly of my pants is pushed back and away. I can’t casually whip it out and go like most men. I have to make a conscious effort to get my pants out-of-the-way.
Even if I get my baby-dick past my pants, I have to make sure I hit the toilet. I have to remember to get as close to the toilet as possible, and lean forward. Otherwise I dribble in the front of the rim or on the floor. I hate making a mess in my bathroom at home. And if I’m not careful, that’s what happens. I doubt men with normal sized dicks have to clean the floor after every time they pee.
Another problem is public restrooms. I hate them. My dick is so small that I am embarrassed to pee in public urinals. I know most guys aren’t looking, but I still get too nervous to go. It makes trips to the bathroom in crowded public places like bars, stadiums, and airports very difficult. I always think everyone who sees me go into a stall thinks I’m some kind of wimp that is scared to pee in public, which I am.
When I do manage to pee standing up without making a mess of my pants or the floor, I always get a little pee on my fingers. I don’t have much of a dick to shake when I’m done, and it is so short that my fingers are really close to the end, so they always get some pee on them. I’m always amazed at the guys that don’t wash their hands after pissing. It’s really gross, but I assume there dicks are big enough that they can hold them at the base and still be far away from the pee stream.
So peeing sitting down is a better option, but it is still not perfect. You would think with a clit-dick I would be able to pee like a girl, but there is a problem. My flaccid penis is so short that it points instead of hangs. So I have to remember to push it down when I sit on the toilet. Otherwise the pee goes straight forward from my little acorn of a soft weiner, and can go over the front rim of the toilet. This makes a huge mess and is way worse than dribbling on the floor. It splashes all over the back of my legs and the pants I am wearing, and runs down the front of the toilet bowl too. I can clean up the toilet bowl, but getting the back of my pant legs covered in piss can only be fixed by doing laundry. And it looks odd to change your pants in the middle of the day for no reason. Imagine trying to explain that since you have a tiny penis, you have to sit to pee, but even that doesn’t always work and you pissed all over yourself. It’s humiliating. – shrimpdick
6:33 pm
I have to pee sitting down otherwise it’s a total disaster generally when soft I’m a tiny inny at best a small turtle (see my album “Paul”) so it’s almost impossible to grasp and direct if I do try standing up I can’t shake it properly and end up with wet patches on my crotch and down my leg
I have resigned myself that I have to sit down and pee like a woman
9:30 pm
paul, and others small dic guys who have to sit and pee …
I can relate i to have to sit and pee i found that wearing Always pads either a 8hr ot ultra thin pad helps with the wet patches in my panties. you should try them they are a big help to me, they provide to me a big level of confidence.
8:57 pm
Thanks for the advice vici I generally have tissues on hand to soak any leaks up if I am forced to standup but they never work and I’m left with the humiliating wet patch that we all must hate
I prefer to sit down and pee like a girl
3:21 am
So glad to have found this forum. I recently gained weight and am having the same issues when I pee. Sit or stand??
When I stand I have to pull it out. I am circumsized When I sit it retracts and squirts between the space of the bowl and seat. What a mess I have when that happens. Wet pants and pee to clean up.
Its terrible in a public restroom to push the penis down and touch the seat inside. UGH. I usually put paper there. I wish the seats had some kind of a guard for this.
2:31 pm
You can buy guards to put on your toilet. Just google it.
8:06 am
I always tell people that I pee sitting down. I wonder if they’re all thinking I do that because I have a tiny dick and will pee all over my balls if I stand up. It’s true but I never thought about them figuring it out. Now I’m kind of embarrassed. The only reason I told people is because one day a co-worker caught me sitting down just to pee (I went into the stall, sat down, peed, flushed and left) and he told a bunch of co-workers, so I just admitted to it. It got a laugh, and I’m always one to make people laugh, so I continued telling people that. Oh no! They all know I’ve got a tiny pecker!
10:56 pm
A little trickier if you have gat thighs. 🙁
10:24 am
I meant fat thighs.
7:28 am
My dick fully hides inside my flesh. It becomes problematic to take a piss and makes a mess. Sometimes I have to push all the mass of fat back and only then my 20mm dick is revealed. Piss gets everywhere. It’s horrible. I am cursed by God.
9:40 am
As frustrating as it is, it’s nice to see I’m not alone. I seem to always end up at the urinal next to “mr horse”, you know, the guy that can piss without even holding his cock, and he stands away from the urinal so everyone can see his manmeat! I have better luck sitting in a stall!
8:38 am
I chose to Pee my pants because of my cock is so small i cant find it so i just wet myself it is so small my wife fucks me with a strapon it like 1 inch
3:59 pm
Like many above, I have to pee sitting down. Occasionally I’ll get lazy and try standing up, but only in a situation where if I wet myself around the fly a bit It’s not going to be a great issue. Like if I’m walking the dog in dark trousers or at a beach side urinal. Certainly risky if I’m out on business in a suit or something. This is just another issue that the “experts” who don’t have to live our lives but keep insisting size does not matter, never consider. Let them find themselves in that dreaded situation of finding all the sit down cubicles occupied and only a busy urinal left.
10:54 pm
I have lived with a small penis for 68 years.
I always joke I got in the wrong line at birth! Or I loved my Father. He was such a force in life. I have many of his qualities including a small penis. Yet he fathered 5 children.
Seriously, I could never be naked in a crowded locker room. Didn’t go out for high school sports as I didn’t want to be teased.
I finally had a serious relationship & got married. We had sex often & enjoyable. But I knew wife wasn’t happy but never said anything..I believe it was one of the reason for divorce after 5 years. She had many partners while I had very very few.